Minor in Education

In the five course Minor in Education, students work with a faculty advisor to design a program tailored to their interests and needs. 

Program Requirements and Policies

  • A minor in Education requires five courses.
  • The student and advisor propose a plan consisting of the minor advising worksheet and a one-page description of the program of study for approval to the department's Undergraduate Committee. Students who declare a minor in Education must submit their plan to the Undergraduate Committee by the following semester's add/drop deadline.

Course Requirements

  • Two of the five courses must come from the three fields designated as Core Requirements as listed under the major requirements: Cognitive and Social Development, Schools as Institutions, or Teaching and Learning.
  • Four of the five courses must be from the Education department.
  • The three elective courses will be selected by the student in conjunction with the faculty advisors.


Undergraduate Minor in Education Director

Please visit the Meet the Faculty page to see other faculty who are available as Minor in Education advisors.