Activity Insight Information

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you store records of your publications in EndNote, RefWorks, Mendeley, Zotero, Google Scholar, Web of Science, PubMed or Scopus, follow these instructions. If you have an ORCID ID you can use it as a way to pull in records via integration with Web of Sciences, Scopus, and CrossRef. You can do so by selecting "ORCID ID" from the dropdown menu within "Search Criteria" on the "Publications" screen on your platform. You will also find both sets of instructions if you click on "Publications" on your platform and then click on "Import Items."

    Suggestion: If your publications are up to date in any of the above systems, the import of your publications will only take a few seconds. You may want to spend some time making sure your information is accurate in one of these systems, or import your publications into one of these systems. This will make the process of having your publications up to date on Activity Insight much easier.

    Whether you will be entering the data manually, or cutting and pasting from your CV, or using the importing option in Activity Insight, you do not need to add data for every field under the "Publications" screen. Only add data that you want to report.

  • Teaching data is imported directly from SIS into Activity Insight. Therefore, if you find any mistakes, please let your department or program administrator know and they will contact the Registrar in order to correct the source data.

  • SIS advisee details cannot be uploaded into Activity Insight. The reason is that SIS does not keep historical data about advisees for faculty. Thus, any advisee data SIS would report on could vary on a day-by-day basis.

  • It is very straightforward to copy text from your CV into Activity Insight. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for doing so. The pasteboard function holds text after you log out and come back in. However, it only holds the information on the same computer, not another computer that you may log into.

  • Two people can be editing a record at the same time but the changes won't be live. We suggest avoiding this overlap. For example, if users 1 and 2 edit the same faculty member's record at the same time and user 2 saves the record after user 1, user 2's edits will override and save over user 1's edits.

  • Department chairs, program directors, and department and program administrators can run both pre-designed and custom reports.
    Templates for pre-designed reports have been previously built by Activity Insight. All templates for pre-designed reports can be downloaded from Activity Insight by going to "Run Reports" and then clicking on "Choose a Report." The template will be a link at the top of the page.
    Custom reports can be created and run for any criteria you choose by going to "Run Reports" on the dashboard and then "Create a new report."
    Reports can be run for all members of your unit, or just a subset. If you think of new reports we should include for all units, please let us know and we will create these.

    Faculty members can only run the following reports for themselves: Individual Faculty Information Form; NSF biosketch; NIH biosketch; and Vita.

    Students you hire in your departments will only be able to run Individual Faculty Information Form and Vita for each individual faculty member whose file they have access to (i.e., they cannot run aggregate reports).