Publications & Press
- Ladin, K. Risk of late-life depression across 10 European Union countries: deconstructing the education effect. J Aging Health. 2008;20(6):653-670.
- Ladin, K., Rodrigue, J., Hanto D. Framing Disparities along the Continuum of Care from Chronic Kidney Disease to Transplantation: Barriers and Interventions. American Journal of Transplantation. 2009;9(4):669-674.
- Ladin, K, Daniels, N, Kawachi, I. Exploring the Relationship Between Absolute and Relative Position and Late-Life Depression: Evidence From 10 European Countries. Gerontologist. 2010;50(1):48-59.
- Waterman, AD, Rodrigue, JR, Purnell, TS, Ladin, K, Boulware, LE. (2010) Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Priorities for Research and Intervention. Seminars in Nephrology. 2010;30(1):90-98.
- Ladin, K and D.W. Hanto. Understanding disparities in transplantation: Do social networks provide the missing clue? American Journal of Transplantation. 2010;10(3):472-476.
- Rodrigue JR, Ladin K, Pavlakis M, and Mandelbrot DA. Disclosing recipient information to potential living donors: Preferences of donors and recipients, before and after surgery. American Journal of Transplantation. 2011;11(6):1270-8.
- Ladin K, Hanto DW. Rational Rationing or Discrimination: Balancing Equity and Efficiency Considerations in Kidney Allocation. Am J Transplant. 2011;11(11):2317-2321.
- Ladin K, Hanto DW. Informed consent and living kidney donation: more (information) is not always better. Am J Transplant. 2011;11(12):2547-2548.
- Ladin, K. Decomposing differences in utilization of health services between depressed and non-depressed elders in Europe. European Journal of Ageing. 2012;9(1): 51-64.
- Ladin, K. and D.W. Hanto. Family physicians' role in discussing organ donation with patients and the public. Virtual Mentor. 2012;14(3):194-200.
- Kher, A, Rodrigue JRR, Ajaimy M, Wasilewski M, Ladin K, Mandelbrot DA. Reimbursement for Living Kidney Donor Follow-up Care: How Often Does Donor Insurance Pay? Transplantation. 2012; 94(10): 1049-1051.
- Ladin, K. and S. Reinhold. Mental health of aging immigrants and native-born men across 11 European countries. Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 2013;68(2): 298-309.
- Ladin, K. and D.W. Hanto. Rationing Lung Transplants—Procedural Fairness in Allocation and Appeals. New England Journal of Medicine. 2013;369:599-601.
- Fischer JS, Butt Z, Friedwald J, Fry-Revere S, Gleason J, Hanneman J, Henderson ML, Ladin K, Mysel H, Penrod D, Preczewski L, Sherman L, Thiessen C, Gordon E. Financial compensation for living kidney donors: Ethical justification for a pilot trial. Between Scylla and Charybdis: charting an ethical course for research into financial incentives for living kidney donation. American Journal of Transplantation. 2015;15:1180-6.
- Ladin K, Weiner DE. Better informing older patients with kidney failure in an era of patient-centered care. Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):372-374.
- Ladin K, Wang R, Fleishman A, Boger M, Rodrigue JR. Does Social Capital Explain Community-Level Differences in Organ Donor Designation? Milbank Q. 2015;93(3):609-641.
- Ladin, K. Organ Donation as a Collective Action Problem: Ethical Considerations and Implications for Practice. AMA Journal of Ethics. AMA J Ethics. 2016;18(2):156-62.
- Einstein D, Ladin K, Matthew P. The ethical imperative of healthy paternalism in advance-directive discussions at the end-of-life. JAMA Oncology. 2016.
- Ladin K, Lin N, Hahn E, Zhang G, Koch-Weser S, Weiner DE. Engagement in decision-making and patient satisfaction: A qualitative study of older patients' perceptions of dialysis initiation and modality decisions. Nephrology Dialysis Transplant. 2016.
- Ladin K and Hanto DW. Are geographic disparities in transplantation inherently wrong? Curr Opin Organ Transplant. 2017;22(2):174-178.
- Ladin K, Zhang G*, Hanto DW. Geographic Disparities in Liver Availability: Accidents of geography or consequences of poor social policy? American Journal of Transplantation. 2017.
- Ladin K, Daniels A, Osani M, Bannuru RR. Is social support associated with post-transplant medication adherence and outcomes? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Transplantation Reviews. 2017.
- Mittelman M, Thiessen C, Chon WJ, Clayville K, Cronin DC, Fischer JS, Fry-Revere S, Gross J, Hanneman J, Henderson ML, Ladin K, Mysel H, Sherman LA, Willock L, Gordon EJ. Miscommunicating NOTA can be costly to living donors. American Journal of Transplantation. 2017;17(2):578-580.
- Ladin K, Hanto DW. Equitable Access Is Not a Secondary Goal of Organ Allocation. Am J Transplant. 2017;17(12):3258.
- Ladin K, Buttafarro K, Hahn E, Koch-Weser S, Weiner DE. "End-of-Life Care? I'm not Going to Worry About That Yet." Health Literacy Gaps and End-of-Life Planning Among Elderly Dialysis Patients. Gerontologist. 2018;58(2):290-299.
- Ladin K, Pandya R*, Kannam A*, Loke R*, Oskoui T*, Perrone RD, Meyer KB, Weiner DE, Wong JB. Discussing Conservative Management With Older Patients With CKD: An Interview Study of Nephrologists. Am J Kidney Dis. 2018;71(5):627-635.
- Kennell B, Erler K, Ladin, K. Caring for the Bigoted Client. OT Practice. 2018.
- Ladin K, Emerson J*, Butt Z, Gordon EJ, Hanto DW, Perloff J, Lavelle TA. How important is social support in determining patients' suitability for transplantation? Results from a National Survey of Transplant Clinicians. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics. 2018.
- Wakeman S, Ladin K, Brennan T, Chueng R. Opioid Use Disorder, Stigma, and Transplantation: A Call to Action. 2018. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2018.
- Skeer M, Ladin K, Wilkins LE, Landy DM, Stopka TJ. "Hep C's like the common cold': Understanding perspectives about the HCV care continuum among young people who inject." Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2018;06.013.
- Ladin K, Pandya R*, Perrone RD, Meyer KM, Kannam A*, Loke R*, Oskoui T*, Weiner DE, Wong, JB. Characterizing Approaches to Dialysis Decision-making with Older Adults: A Qualitative Study of Nephrologists. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018;13(8):1188-1196.
- Skeer MR, Ladin K, Wilkins LE, Landy DM, Stopka TJ. 'Hep C's like the common cold': understanding barriers along the HCV care continuum among young people who inject drugs. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018;190:246-254.
- Ladin K, Emerson J*, Berry K*, et al. Excluding patients from transplant due to social support: Results from a national survey of transplant providers. Am J Transplant. 2019;19(1):193-203.
- Hanto DW, Ladin K. Travel time disparities in access to liver transplantation in the United Kingdom: An argument for adding another center. Am J Transplant. 2019;19(1):13-14.
- Ladin K, Smith AK. Active Medical Management for Patients with Advanced Kidney Disease. JAMA Intern Med. 2019;179(3):313-315.
- Blumenthal-Barby J, Opel DJ, Dickert NW, et al. Potential Unintended Consequences of Recent Shared Decision Making Policy Initiatives. Health Aff (Millwood). 2019;38(11):1876-1881.
- Berry KN, Daniels N, Ladin K. Should Lack of Social Support Prevent Access to Organ Transplantation?. Am J Bioeth. 2019;19(11):13-24.
- Kannam A, Wilson NLW, Chomitz VR, Ladin K. Perceived Benefits and Barriers to Free Summer Meal Participation among Parents in New York City. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2019;51(8):976-984.
- Ladin K, Marotta SA, Butt Z, et al. A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding Variation in Social Support Requirements and Implications for Access to Transplantation in the United States. Prog Transplant. 2019;29(4):344-353.
- Kulkarni S, Ladin K, Haakinson D, Greene E, Li L, Deng Y. Association of Racial Disparities with Access to Kidney Transplant after the Implementation of the New Kidney Allocation System. JAMA Surg. 2019;154(7):618-625.
- Marotta, S. A., & Ladin, K. Marital privilege: Bias against divorced patients in medical decision-making. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 2020;23(4):612-639.
- Ladin K, Rossi A. Person-Centered Kidney Education: The Path Forward. Kidney Med. 2020;2(5):511-513.
- Kulkarni S, Ladin K. Ethical principles governing organ transplantation apply to paired exchange programs. Am J Transplant. 2020, 20(5):1223-1224.
- Charnaya O, Verghese P, Goldberg A, Ladin K, Porteny T, Lantos JD. Access to Transplantation for Undocumented Pediatric Patients. Pediatrics. 2020;146(1):e20193692.
- Chen A, Ahmad M, Flescher A, et al. Access to transplantation for persons with intellectual disability: Strategies for nondiscrimination. Am J Transplant. 2020;20(8):2009-2016.
- Ladin K, Kulkarni S. Reply to "Ethical principles governing organ transplantation apply to paired exchange programs". Am J Transplant. 2020;20(6):1758-1759.
- Reich AJ, Jin G, Gupta A, et al. Utilization of ACP CPT codes among high-need Medicare beneficiaries in 2017: A brief report. PLoS One. 2020;15(2):e0228553.
- Gupta A, Jin G, Reich A, et al. Association of Billed Advance Care Planning with End-of-Life Care Intensity for 2017 Medicare Decedents. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020;68(9):1947-1953.
- Oskoui T, Pandya R, Weiner DE, Wong JB, Koch-Weser S, Ladin K. Advance Care Planning Among Older Adults with Advanced Non-Dialysis-Dependent CKD and Their Care Partners: Perceptions Versus Reality?. Kidney Med. 2020;2(2):116-124.
- Mou D, Sisodia RC, Castillo-Angeles M, et al. The Surgeon's Perceived Value of Patient-reported Outcome Measures (PROMs): An Exploratory Qualitative Study of 5 Different Surgical Subspecialties. Ann Surg. 2020;10.1097/SLA.0000000000004253.
- Allen JD, Reich A, Cuevas AG, Ladin K. Preparing African American Men to Make Informed Prostate Cancer Screening Decisions: Development and Pilot Testing of an Interactive Online Decision Aid. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020;8(5):e15502.
- Gately ME, Tickle-Degnen L, Trudeau SA, Ward N, Ladin K, Moo LR. Caregiver Satisfaction with a Video Telehealth Home Safety Evaluation for Dementia. Int J Telerehabil. 2020;12(2):35-42.
- Sokas C, Yeh IM, Bernacki RE, et al. Older adults' perspectives 3 months after emergency general surgery highlight opportunities to improve care. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021;69(7):2023-2025.
- Kulkarni S, Ladin K. Leveling-up versus leveling-down to address health disparities in transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2021;21(3):917-918.
- Jesse, M. T., Hansen, B., Bruschwein, H., Chen, G., Nonterah, C., Peipert, J. D., Dew, M. A., Thomas, C., Ortega, A. D., Balliet, W., Ladin, K., Lerret, S., Yaldo, A., Coco, T., & Mallea, J. Findings and recommendations from the organ transplant caregiver initiative: Moving clinical care and research forward. Am J Transplant. 2021;21(3):950-957.
- Sokas C, Yeh IM, Coogan K, et al. Older Adult Perspectives on Medical Decision Making and Emergency General Surgery: "It had to be Done.". J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021;61(5):948-954.
- Lee GJ, Ortega G, Reidy E, et al. A Qualitative Analysis of Surgical Faculty and Surgical Resident Perceptions of Potential Barriers to Implementing a Novel Surgical Education Curriculum. J Surg Educ. 2021;78(3):896-904.
- Koch-Weser S, Porteny T, Rifkin DE, et al. Patient Education for Kidney Failure Treatment: A Mixed-Methods Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2021;S0272-6386(21)00561-8.
- Shah SK, Manful A, Reich AJ, et al. Advance care planning among Medicare beneficiaries with dementia undergoing surgery. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021;10.1111/jgs.17226.
- Gately ME, Tickle-Degnen L, Voydetich DJ, Ward N, Ladin K, Moo LR. Video Telehealth Occupational Therapy Services for Older Veterans: National Survey Study. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2021;8(2):e24299.
- Ladin K, Neckermann I, D'Arcangelo N*, et al. Advance Care Planning in Older Adults with CKD: Patient, Care Partner, and Clinician Perspectives. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021;32(6):1527-1535.
- Gately ME, Tickle-Degnen L, McLaren JE, Ward N, Ladin K, Moo LR. Factors Influencing Barriers and Facilitators to In-home Video Telehealth for Dementia Management. Clin Gerontol. 2022;45(4):1020-1033.
- Ashana DC, D'Arcangelo N*, Gazarian PK, et al. "Don't talk to them about goals of care": Understanding disparities in advance care planning J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2022;glab091.
- Allen JD, Feng W, Corlin L, et al. Why are Some People Reluctant to be Vaccinated for COVID-19? A Cross-Sectional Survey among U.S. Adults in May-June 2020 Prev Med Rep. 2021;101494.
- Mou D, Horn DM, Heng M, et al. Primary care physician's (PCP) perceived value of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in clinical practice: a mixed methods study BMJ Qual Saf. 2021;bmjqs-2020-012206.
- Allen JD, Porteny T, Kaplan A, Ladin K, Monahan K, Berry DL. Does Shared Decision-Making for Prostate Cancer Screening among African American Men Happen? It Depends on Who You Ask J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2021;10.1007/s40615-021-01064-x.
- Charnaya, Olga, Priya Verghese, Aviva Goldberg, Keren Ladin, Thalia Porteny, and John D. Lantos. Access to transplantation for undocumented pediatric patients. Pediatrics. 2020;146, no. 1.
- Ladin, K., Porteny, T., Perugini, J. M., Gonzales, K. M., Aufort, K. E., Levine, S. K., ... & Weiner, D.E. Perceptions of Telehealth vs In-Person Visits Among Older Adults With Advanced Kidney Disease, Care Partners, and Clinicians. JAMA network open. 2021;4(12), e2137193-e2137193.
- *Amadu A., Porteny T., Sushrut S., Ladin K., "Nephrologists’ attitudes towards native kidney biopsy: a qualitative study." Kidney Medicine. 2021.
- *Walt, G., Porteny, T., McGregor, A. J., & Ladin, K. Clinician's experiences with involuntary commitment for substance use disorder: A qualitative study of moral distress. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2021;99, 103465.
- Jesse, M. T., Hansen, B., Bruschwein, H., Chen, G., Nonterah, C., Peipert, J. D., Ladin K.... & Mallea, J. Findings and recommendations from the organ transplant caregiver initiative: Moving clinical care and research forward. American Journal of Transplantation. 2021.
- Shah, S. K., Manful, A., Reich, A. J., Semco, R. S., Tjia, J., Ladin, K., & Weissman, J. S. Advance care planning among Medicare beneficiaries with dementia undergoing surgery. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2021.
- Lee, G. J., Ortega, G., Reidy, E., Atkinson, R. B., Pichardo, M. S., Reich, A. J., Ladin, K & Smink, D. S. A Qualitative Analysis of Surgical Faculty and Surgical Resident Perceptions of Potential Barriers to Implementing a Novel Surgical Education Curriculum. Journal of surgical education. 2021;78(3), 896-904.
- Salehi, O., Vega, E. A., Kutlu, O. C., Lunsford, K., Freeman, R., Ladin, K., ... & Conrad, C. Poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma: resection is equivalent to transplantation in patients with low liver fibrosis. HPB. 2021.
- Ladin K., Bronzi O. C., Gazarian P.K, et al. Understanding The Use Of Medicare Procedure Codes For Advance Care Planning: A National Qualitative Study. Health Aff (Millwood). 2022;41(1):112-119.
- Porteny, Thalia, Laura Corlin, Jennifer D. Allen, Kyle Monahan, Andrea Acevedo, Thomas J. Stopka, Peter Levine, Keren Ladin. Associations among political voting preference, high-risk health status, and preventative behaviors for COVID-19. BMC Public Health. 2022.
- Reich, A. J., Perez, S., Gazarian, P., D’Arcangelo, N., Gonzales, K., Rodgers, P., ... & Ladin, K. Is this ACP? A focus group study of patient experiences of advance care planning. Journal of general internal medicine, 1-10. 2022.
- Patzer, R. E., Adler, J. T., Harding, J. L., Huml, A., Kim, I., Ladin, K., ... & Pastan, S. O. A Population Health Approach to Transplant Access: Challenging the Status Quo. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2022.
- Luth, E. A., Manful, A., Weissman, J. S., Reich, A., Ladin, K., Semco, R., & Ganguli, I. Practice Billing for Medicare Advance Care Planning Across the USA. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 1-8. 2022.
- Kulkarni, S., Flescher, A., Ahmad, M., Bayliss, G., Bearl, D., Biondi, L., ... & Ladin, K. Ethical analysis examining the prioritisation of living donor transplantation in times of healthcare rationing. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2022.
- Ladin, K., Flescher, A. M., & Reese, P. P. Vaccine Mandates for Transplant Patients: Caring for Patients Versus Turning Them Away. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2022.
- Ladin, K., & Frazier, R. S. The Elusive Promise of Shared Decision Making: A Step Forward. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2022.
- Criss SD, Dageforde LA, Coe TM, ... Ladin K & Yeh K. Acceptability and utility of a virtual pediatric transplant peer mentoring program: A mixed-methods analysis of a novel quality improvement program. Pediatr Transplant. 2022;26(7):e14345.
- Frazier R, Levine S, Porteny T, ... & Ladin K. Shared Decision Making Among Older Adults With Advanced CKD. Am J Kidney Dis. 2022; 80(5):599-609.
- Gazarian P, Gupta A, Reich A, ... & Ladin K. Educational Resources and Self-Management Support to Engage Patients in Advance Care Planning: An Interpretation of Current Practice in the US. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2022;39(8):934-44.
- Murakami N, Baggett ND, Schwarze ML, Ladin K et al. Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Solid Organ Transplantation. J Palliat Med. 2022;25(7):1136-42.
- Porteny T, Gonzales KM, Aufort KE, ... & Ladin K. Treatment Decision Making for Older Kidney Patients during COVID-19. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022;17(7):957-65.
- Reich AJ, Manful A, Candrian C, Semco RS, Ladin K, Prigerson HG, & Weissman JS. Use of Advance Care Planning Codes Among Transgender Medicare Beneficiaries. LGBT Health. 2022;9(7):520-24.
- Reich AJ, Perez S, Fleming J, ... Ladin K ... & Candrian C. Advance Care Planning Experiences Among Sexual and Gender Minority People. JAMA Netw Open. 2022, 5(7):e2222993.
- Tjia J, D'Arcangelo N, Carlston D, ... & Ladin K. US clinicians' perspectives on advance care planning for persons with dementia: A qualitative study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2022.
- Inker LA, Ferrè S, Baliker M, ... Ladin K ... & Willis K. A National Registry for People With All Stages of Kidney Disease: The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Patient Network. Am J Kidney Dis. 2023;81(2):210-21.e1.
- Ladin K, Tighiouart H, Bronzi O, et al. Effectiveness of an Intervention to Improve Decision Making for Older Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease : A Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2023;176(1):29-38.
- Shah KB, Shah SK, Manful A, ... Ladin K & Weissman JS. Advance care planning billing codes in patients undergoing TAVR is infrequent and associated with adverse TAVR outcomes. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023;71(1):282-87.
- Ladin K, Cuddeback J, Duru OK, et al. Guidance for unbiased predictive information for healthcare decision-making and equity (GUIDE): considerations when race may be a prognostic factor. NPJ Digit Med. 2024, 7(1):290.
- Gaetani RS, Ladin K, Abelson JS. Journey through the Decades: The Evolution in Treatment and Shared Decision Making for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2024;16(16):2807.
- Perry JM, Deutsch-Link S, Marfeo E, Serper M, Ladin K. Assessing reliability and validity of SIPAT and opportunities for improvement: A single-center cohort study. Liver Transpl. 2024;30(4):356-366.
- Koch-Weser S, Kennefick K, Tighiouart H…& Ladin K. Development and Validation of the Rating of CKD Knowledge Among Older Adults (Know-CKD) With Kidney Failure. Am J Kidney Dis. 2024;83(5):569-577.
- Hart A, Schaffhausen CR, McKinney WT...& Ladin, K. "You don't know what you don't know": A qualitative study of informational needs of patients, family members, and living donors to inform transplant system metrics. Clin Transplant. 2024, 38(1):e15240.
- Gonzales KM*, Koch-Weser S, Kennefick K…& Ladin, K. Decision-Making Engagement Preferences among Older Adults with CKD. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2024.
- Kaplan A, Ladin K, Junna S, Lindenberger E, Ufere NN. Serious Illness Communication in Cirrhosis Care: Tools to Improve Illness Understanding, Prognostic Understanding, and Care Planning. Gastro Hep Adv. 2024;3(5):634-645. 2024.
- Kaplan A, Aby ES, Scott S…Ladin, K, et al. Financial toxicity in living donor liver transplantation: a call to action for financial neutrality. Am J Transplant. 2024.
- Bernat JL, Khush KK, Shemie SD…Ladin K, et al. Knowledge gaps in heart and lung donation after the circulatory determination of death: Report of a workshop of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2024;43(6):1021-1029.
- Ladin K. Utility and bias in psychosocial evaluations for transplant listing. Curr Opin Organ Transplant. Published online January 7, 2025.
*Indicates students
Editorials and Comments (Peer-reviewed)
- Hanto DW, Ladin, K. Re: Is it always wrong to perform futile CPR? New England Journal of Medicine. 2010, 361(21) 2034-5. [Comment]
- Ladin, K and DW Hanto. Informed consent: Is more (information) always better? American Journal of Transplantation. 2011, 11(12):2547-2548. [Editorial]
- Ladin K, Hanto DW. Rationing lung transplants--procedural fairness in allocation and appeals. N Engl J Med. 2013;369(7):599-601. [Perspective]
- Ladin, K and DE Weiner. Better advising older dialysis patients in an era of patient-centered care. American Journal Kidney Diseases. 2015;65(3):372-4. [Editorial].
- Fisher, J. S., Butt, Z., Friedewald, J., Fry-Revere, S., Hanneman, J., Henderson, M. L., Ladin, K., Mysel, H., Preczewski, L., Sherman, L. A., Thiessen, C., & Gordon, E. J. Between Scylla and Charybdis: Charting an Ethical Course for Research Into Financial Incentives for Living Kidney Donation. Am J Transplant. 2015;15(5):1180-1186. [Personal viewpoint]
- Einstein DJ, Ladin K, Mathew P. The Ethical Imperative of Healthy Paternalism in Advance Directive Discussions at the End of Life. JAMA Oncol. 2016;2(4):429-430. [Viewpoint]
- Mathew P, Einstein DJ, Ladin K. Against "Healthy Paternalism" at the End of Life-Reply. JAMA Oncol. 2016;2(6):833.
- Mittelman M, Thiessen C, Chon WJ, Clayville K, Cronin DC, Fischer JS, Fry-Revere S, Gross J, Hanneman J, Henderson ML, Ladin K, Mysel H, Sherman LA, Willock L, Gordon EJ. Miscommunicating NOTA can be costly to living donors. American Journal of Transplantation. 2016.
- Ladin K, Zhang G, Hanto DW. Geographic Disparities in Liver Availability: Accidents of Geography, or Consequences of Poor Social Policy? Am J Transplant. 2017;17(9):2277-2284. [Personal Viewpoint]
- Ladin K, Flescher AM, Reese PP. COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Transplant Patients: Caring for Patients Versus Turning Them Away. Am J Kidney Dis. 2022;79(6):774-777. [Editorial]
- Law M, Weiner, DE, Ladin K. Designing Clinical Trials for Shared Decision-Making Interventions in Nephrology. Am J Kidney Dis. 2023, 82(2):176-178. [Editorial].
- Messinger JC, Hanto DW, Curry MP, Ladin K. Liver transplantation in alcohol-associated liver disease: ensuring equity through new processes. Liver Transplantation. 2023, 29(5): 539-547. [Perspectives in LT].
- Truog RD, Flescher A, Ladin K. Normothermic Regional Perfusion—The Next Frontier in Organ Transplants? JAMA. 2023, 329(24): 2123-2124. [Viewpoint].
- Truog RD, Flescher A, Ladin K. Organ Procurement Using Normothermic Regional Perfusion-Reply. JAMA. 2023;330(14):1390-1391. [Comment]
- Arellano-Mendez D, Ladin K. Dialysis Discontinuation, Prognosis, and Shared Decision-Making. Kidney Int Rep. 2024;9(7):1963-1965.
- Flescher A, Kulkarni S, Ladin K. NRP Possibly Violates "Do No Harm" and Is Not Worth Risking the Perception That It Does. Am J Bioeth. 2024;24(6):54-56.
- Kaplan, A., Aby, E. S., Scott, S., Sonnenday, C., Fox, A., Mathur, A., Olthoff, K., Heimbach, J., Ladin, K., Emamaullee, J., & NALLDIG Consortium. Financial toxicity in living donor liver transplantation: A call to action for financial neutrality. Am J Transplant. 2024;24(10):1742-1754. [Personal viewpoint]
- Porteny, T., Kennefick, K., Lynch, M., Velasquez, A. M., Damron, K. C., Rosas, S., Allen, J., Weiner, D. E., Kalloo, S., Rizzolo, K., & Ladin, K. The Need for Culturally Tailored CKD Education in Older Latino Patients and Their Families. Am J Kidney Dis. 2025;85(2):253-261.
- Kulkarni S, Ladin K. Ethical implications of prioritizing utility at all costs: The rise of out-of-sequence transplants. Am J Transplant. 2025;25(2):232-233. [Editorial]
Books Chapters
- Sepulveda J, Carpenter C, Curan J, Holzemer W, Smits H, Scott K, Orza M (Editors). PEPFAR Implementation: Progress and Promise. 2007. Washington, DC. Institute of Medicine; National Academies Press. (Chapter 2: The U.S. Global AIDS Initiative: Context and Background, p 33-64.)
- Ladin, K. "Absolute Deprivation". In William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall, and Stella Quah (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior and Society. 2014. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Ladin, K. "Relative Deprivation". In William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall, and Stella Quah (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior and Society. 2014. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Ladin, K, Wang R, and DW Hanto. "National Healthcare Policy and the Future of Organ Transplantation". In Textbook of Organ Transplantation. Kirk et al. (Editors). September 2014.Wiley Blackwell.
- Daniels N and Ladin K. "Immigration and Access to Health Care". In Routledge Companion to Bioethics. Arras K, Kukla R, and E. Fenton (Editors). 2014. Taylor & Francis/Routledge. New York.
- Normothermic regional perfusion presents ethical concerns in the USA, The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, September 2024
- Social factors may ‘disproportionately’ affect transplant process, Washington Post, March 10, 2024
- Mother of Allentown boy waiting for heart transplant speaks out, WFMZ-TV 69 News, December 4, 2023
- Who gets on a kidney waitlist? We’re in the dark on a crucial step toward transplant, Los Angeles Times, April 28, 2023
- Speaker: Increasing transparency during the transplant process can increase access, Nephrology News & Issues, February 28, 2023
- Decision aid for replacement therapy improves decisional quality in older adults with CKD, Nephrology News & Issues, February 15, 2023
- Decision-Aid for Renal Therapy Improves Treatment Quality Among Elderly with CKD, Medical Dialogues, January 17, 2023
- Patient Decision Aid Helps Clarify Options for Older Adults With Advanced CKD, Renal & Urology News, January 4, 2023
- Decision Aid Improves Decision Quality for Seniors With CKD, Health Day, December 19, 2022
- Equal treatment for equal risk: Should race be included in allocation algorithms for Covid-19 therapies?, Stat First Opinion, April 4, 2022
- Study: Patients With CKD Receive Inadequate COVID-19 Counseling, Renal & Urology News, June 15, 2022
- The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on treatment decision-making for older patients with kidney disease, Newswise, June 2, 2022
- Equal treatment for equal risk: Should race be included in allocation algorithms for Covid-19 therapies?, Stat News, April 4, 2022
- Telemedicine: Changing the Management of Chronic Pain, Clinical Pain Advisor, February 4, 2022
- Telehealth Might Be Best as a Supplement to Office Visits, Not a Replacement, Tufts Now, January 20, 2022
- Podcast: Keren Ladin on Why Medicare's Advance Care Planning Payment Is A Work In Progress, A Health Podyssey, January 18, 2022
- Who Deserves a Lifesaving Organ?, The New York Times, November 21, 2021
- Medical management without dialysis offers alternative therapy, Healio, January 19, 2021
- Few Kidney Patients Can Access Palliative Care or Hospice. Why?, Undark, December 18, 2020
- Yale study evaluates racial disparity in kidney transplants, Yale News, April 16, 2019
- Our Organ Donation System Is Unfair. The Solution Might Be Too., FiveThirtyEight, April 3, 2019
- Dialysis Is a Way of Life for Many Older Patients. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be., The New York Times, February 15, 2019
- Restricting Who Gets an Organ Transplant, Tufts Now, July 19, 2018
- How do patients decide whether or not to initiate dialysis? An Interview with Keren Ladin, GeriPal podcast, May 21, 2018
- Liver Transplants and Geography, The Academic Minute, May 29, 2017
- OPTN/UNOS Board members, committee leadership named, UNOS, Mar 7, 2017
- Older patients often not involved in decision to start dialysis, Nephrology, December 6, 2016
- Fairness in the allocation of lung transplants for children, NEJM, August 14, 2013
- Providing a Voice to Those Silenced, Tuftscope, February 4, 2017
- Building Communities to Support Living Organ Donors, Yale Medicine, April 20, 2017
- Organ donor designation, The Tufts Daily, October 12, 2015