Celebration of Faculty

On March 29, 2022, Tufts was honored to host a celebration of the Dennett Stibel Professorship of Cognitive Science and the Stibel Family Assistant Professorship of Brain and Cognitive Science. One of the university’s first in-person events since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the event was an opportunity to thank the Stibel family for their generosity in establishing these funds, and a chance to recognize the esteemed faculty holders. The event took place in the newly refurbished Coolidge Room in Ballou Hall on the Tufts campus.
President Anthony P. Monaco welcomed guests and shared remarks on the importance of professorship funds in allowing the university to attract and retain the very best scholars and teachers. Stephanie Badde, PhD, Stibel Family Assistant Professor of Brain and Cognitive Science, first presented a talk entitled Perception and Action across the Senses. Gina Kuperberg, MD, PhD, Dennett Stibel Professor of Cognitive Science, then spoke on Predicting the Future: Computational Neuroscience of Typical and Atypical Language Processing. A lively Q&A session followed among the gathered students, faculty, alumni, and guests in attendance.