Common Timelines

Yellow highlighter atop open science textbook.

Students admitted to the program generally attend Tufts for 18-24 months and take two courses per semester. The actual time enrolled in the program varies from one student to the next, depending on academic background and personal circumstances. Occasionally, students need to drop to one course for financial, health, or other reasons. Also occasionally, a student sees that they are capable of doing well in three laboratory science courses in a single semester (usually only after the student has studied at Tufts first and realized the rigor of the courses).

Here is a typical scenario for premed students completing the program. It will vary for other health professions and for students with some science background.

Fall 1:

  • Biology 13 + Biology 15 (lab)
  • Chemistry 1

Spring 1:

  • Biology 14
  • Chemistry 2


  • Physics 1
  • Physics 2

Fall 2: 

  • Chemistry 51/53 (Organic)
  • Elective

Spring 2:

  • Biochemistry (Bio 152 or Chem 171)
  • Elective

This sample premed student could take the MCAT in the second spring and apply for med school at the beginning of June. Of course, this would change if they are trying for Linkage, which would eliminate the glide year. In that case, they would apply in Winter 2, take the MCAT in Spring 2, and start med school in Summer 2 (if accepted).