

April 2024

  • Congrats to Katherine Barrasso! 
    April 25, 2024 
    Congrats to SISL alum, Katherine Barrasso, who has officially committed to the PsyD program at Loyola University Maryland! Way to go, Katherine! 
  • Congrats to Jada Copeland-Hayes and Isha Smith-Ramakrishnan! 
    April 25, 2024 
    Congrats to Isha and Jada, who were both awarded funding from the Tufts Graduate Student Research Competition! The funds will support participant recruitment for their MA and Dissertation research, respectively. Isha’s project is called: “Gendering Race, or Gendering Phenotype? Effects of Target Ethnic Group on Feature-based Social Processing” and Jada’s project is called: “Who is Considered a Mesearcher? Racial Privilege in Positionality.” Congrats! 
  • Congrats to Jungmin Lee! 
    April 25, 2024 
    Congrats Jungmin, who successfully defended her senior honors thesis on Friday! Jungmin did an excellent job and received high honors for her project. Way to go! 
  • Congrats to Maria Garay! 
    April 18, 2024 
    A little over an hour ago, Maria successfully defended her dissertation and became an official PhD/doctor!! Dr. Garay, the whole lab is so proud of the work you’ve done and the contributions you’ve made to the field, both in terms of research and mentorship. This is culmination of all of your hard work in grad school, and it has paid off! Celebrate and enjoy this next phase - you’ve earned it! 
  • Congrats to Jada Copeland-Hayes!   
    April 18, 2024   
    And a little over 24 hours ago, Jada successfully defended her Master’s thesis! Jada, you keep inspiring us with your dedication to understanding intersectionality and stigma in higher ed. We know your work is going to change how academia engages with DEI!   
  • Congrats to Jungmin Lee!   
    April 18, 2024   
    Congrats as well to Jungmin, who was recently awarded the Best Poster Award in the Social Sciences at the Stanford Undergraduate Research Conference! Jungmin’s poster was based on her Summer Scholars and Honors Thesis research on women of color and perceptions of diversity messages on social media!
  • Congrats to Ben Keller!   
    April 11, 2024   
    Congrats to SISL alum, Ben Keller, who recently accepted an offer to join the Management & Organizations group at UCLA Anderson School of Management to pursue his PhD! Ben was an undergraduate RA in our lab from 2018-2020, and completed his honors thesis in the midst of the pandemic lockdown!

    In this application season, Ben received an impressive 6 acceptances (!!) to management PhD programs. He ultimately decided that UCLA was the best fit, and he plans to work with Joyce He, Jennifer Whitson, Miguel Unzueta and Margaret Shih. He hopes to bridge social psychology and the management literature on identity management and intersectional stereotyping.

    Congrats – we can’t wait to see what you do next!

March 2024

  • Congrats to Jada Copeland-Hayes!   
    March 26, 2024   
    Congrats to Jada on being awarded the 2024 GSAS Robert P. Guertin Graduate Student Leadership Award! From the AS&E website: “This award recognizes outstanding graduate student leadership in the arts, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, or engineering. Evidence of nominees' leadership may include accomplishments in such areas as academic or social programming, curricular initiatives, supporting the work and lives of fellow students, community service, and/or developing improved policies.” This is amazing news, Jada, and we cannot think of someone more deserving of this award! In recognition of her achievements, Jada will be honored at the Graduate Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:45 pm (Distler Performance Hall, Granoff Music Center, 20 Talbot Road). If you would like to join us in celebrating Jada, RSVP here by April 14th.

    Jada, we see your hard work and how it’s paying off! You lift us all up. Congrats again!

  • Congrats to Isha Smith-Ramakrishnan!   
    March 26, 2024   
    Congrats to Isha on being awarded a 2024 Deborah Greenwald Summer Fellowship from the Department of Psychology! Isha was awarded this fellowship in recognition of her academic achievement and the merit and impact of her graduate research program. This fellowship will support Isha to continue her research on phenotypicality and gendered race perceptions over the summer!

    Isha, we see your hard work and how it’s paying off! You lift us all up. Congrats again!

  • Congrats to Jungmin Lee!   
    March 26, 2024   
    Congrats to Jungmin for being accepted to the PhD program in Business: Organization and Management at Emory University!! Before beginning her PhD journey at Emory, Jungmin will also be presenting her thesis research at two conferences this summer: the Stanford Research Conference and 2) National Undergraduate Research Conference. Jungmin is also hoping to present at the Tufts Community Symposium next month! Jungmin, we are very proud of your hard work so far and your dedication to understanding the experiences of women of color in STEM. We can’t wait to see all of the great things you will do in grad school!

    Jungmin, we see your hard work and how it’s paying off! You lift us all up. Congrats again!

More News

  • Dr. Remedios discusses stigma on NPR's the Academic Minute.
  • The Toronto Sun (September 2, 2011). Sexuality affects impressions of others.
  • (July 13, 2011). Minority women: Racism harder than sexism.
  • Global News (July 12, 2011). Racism stings Asian women worse than sexism.
  • The Montreal Gazette (July 12, 2011). Racism stings Asian women worse than sexism.
  • The Vancouver Sun (July 12, 2011). Racism bothers Asian women worse than sexism.