In December 2019, The Crone lab hosted a workshop on Species Interactions and Shifting Phenologies, with researchers attending from Tufts, University of Georgia, Montana State University, and Washington State.
Collin Edwards has joined the lab as a Post Doc
Eric Scott has joined the lab as a PhD
James Michielini has joined the lab as a Post Bacc
Natalie Kerr has successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations, Nat!
James Michielini has successfully defended his senior honors thesis. Congratulations, James!
Elizabeth has been recognized by Representative Ayanna Pressley for receiving NSF funding to investigate the rapid decline in western monarchs.
Genevieve Pugesek passed her qualifying exam, yay!
Rachel Bonoan has joined the lab as a Post Doc
Nick Dorian starts his PhD in the Crone lab
June Arriens has joined the lab as a Post Bacc
Robert Bosso has joined the lab as the new Lab Manager
Lee Browne and Norah Warchola have re-joined the lab as a Research Associates
Xianfeng Yi has joined the lab as a Visiting Scholar.
Elizabeth was inducted into the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.
PhD candidate Natalie Kerr passed her qualifying exam, congrats!
Undergraduate Lauren Redosh co-authors a paper on mouse population cycles published in Ecology and Evolution
Finnish PhD student Kirsi Alahuhta visits lab for two weeks in October 2016
PhD student Michał Bogdziewicz's paper on the effects of nitrogen on masting in red oaks is published in Journal of Ecology
Elizabeth and collaborators Lee Brown and Cheryl Schultz win a SERDP award to study butterfly population dynamics and conservation
Former undergraduate Nick Dorian wins best poster at SCCS-NY 2016
Elizabeth gives a talk at a BIRS theoretical ecology workshop titled, "Combining models and data to set guidelines for butterfly conservation"
Postdoc Norah Warchola begins teaching classes at Tufts University as a part-time instructor
PhD student Natalie Kerr attends EVODEMO conference in Washington D.C. and presents a poster on her work with optimal body size in bumble bee workers
Nick Dorian and Lauren Redosh both successfully defend their undergraduate honors theses
PhD student Genevieve Pugesek and another Tufts Biology graduate student win a Wendy and Neil Sandler International Research Program grant to conduct research on pollinators on coffee farms in Costa Rica
Elizabeth and collaborator Neal Williams' paper on modeling bumble bee population dynamics is published in Ecology Letters