FAQs for IDS Majors

  • Candidates who are applying for an Interdisciplinary major should have a minimum GPA of 3.4. Review the full list of requirements and the application process.

  • 30-36 credits.

  • The Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Studies program allows for a second major, although it prohibits triple majors. Because an IS major already combines at least three different departments or programs, we discourage students from double majoring although it is technically possible to do so. A student may only do one disciplinary minor but more than one interdisciplinary minor. The rules in place are to prevent too much overlap:

    1. a student cannot pursue both a major and a minor in the same discipline, and
    2. the Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Studies program may not double count more than two courses from their Interdisciplinary Studies major towards another major or minor. If the minor is too similar to the IS major or the other major, this could be a problem.
  • A few sample topics from recent years include:

    • Visualizing Black Civic Identity: Civic Studies, Africana Studies, Film and Media Studies
    • Cultivating Environmental Stewardship in Youth through Children’s Media: Environmental Studies, Child Study and Human Development, Anthropology
    • Technological Solutions to Public Health Anxieties: Community Health, Biology, Entrepreneurship
    • Applied Food Sciences: Biology, Environmental Studies, Anthropology
    • Defining Somali Womanhood through Multimedia Narratives: Colonialism/Race/Diaspora Studies, Education, Film and Media Studies
    • Computational Economics: Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science
    • Political Comedy: Political Science, Civic Studies, Film and Media Studies
    • Bio Dramatics: Biology, Drama and Communications
    • International Urban Development: History, Urban Environmental Planning, and Art History
    • Climate Mobilization and the Role of Community Based Organizations: Civic Studies, Biology, Film and Media Studies, Science/Technology and Society Studies
    • Latino Health Studies: Biology, Community Health, Spanish

    Students may view past Senior Honors Theses online at the Tufts Digital Library. Students can also read any past Senior Honors Theses in the CIS office. Contact Amy Pendleton to get access. Students may also view past theses online.

  • There are no restrictions on Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Studies program students studying abroad. Students must plan their coursework accordingly and remain in contact with their faculty advisors to be sure they are on track with completing the IS major requirements.

  • No, although there is always a written component to it. Past IS major capstone projects have included an original play that was written, produced and performed; a series of poems and raps; and a photojournalism essay.

  • This one-hour meeting is an opportunity for the student and faculty committee to discuss and assess achievements and reflect on areas for improvement. The faculty advisors jointly grade the project at that time and assign the level of honors for the thesis. The thesis defense must take place by the last day of reading period.