Department of Biology

Join Our Lab


Undergraduates who are interested in receiving course credit during the academic year or working in the lab during the summer should contact Dr. McVey.

Prospective Graduate Students

Prospective Graduate Students are encouraged to apply to the Tufts Biology Department Ph.D. program. Information about how to apply and financial aid is available at the department website.

Dr. McVey is also a member of the Genetics Program at the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. Students in the Genetics Program can do rotation projects and join the lab if space is available.

Postdoctoral Candidates

Postdoctoral Candidates who want to use Drosophila to answer fundamental questions about DNA repair, recombination, and DNA damage tolerance should send an email to Dr. McVey, along with a current CV and a cover letter outlining your current and future research interests.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Postdoctoral Fellowships are also available through the Tufts IRACDA Program at Tufts University. This NIH-funded program prepares talented postdoctoral trainees to succeed in academic biomedical research. Trainees spend about 75% of their time conducting research and 25% of their time in teaching and career development activities. Training is supplemented by workshops and seminars on teaching methods, career opportunities in academia, and essential skills such as grant writing, mentoring, lab management and scientific presentations. Tufts IRACDA scholars receive up to four years of salary support and a yearly travel allowance. They complete the program ready to manage a successful research program, teach, and meet the demands of a career as an academic scientist.

The application deadline for positions for the fall of 2023 is February 1, 2023. Later applications will be considered if positions are available. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents with less than three years of postdoctoral training at the time of their appointment to the program. Commitment to the goals of the program, strong academic and research credentials and prior experience with teaching will be criteria used in the selection process. Mentors must be members of the Tufts faculty who can supervise the trainee in a biomedically related research project. For additional information on the Tufts IRACDA program and application procedures, please contact either of the Program Directors, Claire Moore or Mitch McVey.