Department of Biology

Courses Taught

Bio 61 – Biology of Aging (view syllabus)
An introduction to the biology of aging. Focus on molecular, cellular, and physiological changes that occur during the aging process in humans and other organisms. Major topics include theories of aging, genetic regulation of longevity in model systems, and therapeutic modulation of the aging process. Fall. (Group A)

Bio 105 – Molecular biology (view syllabus)
Gene structure and function in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, fundamentals of recombinant DNA technology. Molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and repair, recombination, transcription, and protein synthesis are emphasized. Advanced topics including regulation of gene expression during development, transposition, and regulation of chromatin structure are based on current literature. Spring. (Group A)

Bio 260 –Teaching biology: pedagogy and practice (view syllabus)
This course aims to enhance the professional development of graduate students by preparing them to teach biological sciences in academic venues that range from community colleges to Research I universities. Topics will include: learning styles, diversity in the classroom, mentoring, conflict resolution, careers after graduate school, scientific ethics, effective ways to lead discussions, design of inquiry-based student laboratories, assessment (formative/summative), course evaluations, and the development and design of courses. Class participants will: 1) learn about pedagogy, 2) be mentored by a team of faculty members and by their peers, and 3) gain practical teaching experience. Fall. McVey and McLaughlin.

CMDB/NUTR 247 – Biology of Aging (view syllabus)
This course is an in-depth examination of current topics in aging research, with a focus on human aging. Topics to be discussed include theories of aging; physiological, cellular, and epigenetic changes that occur with aging; biochemical and energetic processes that affect healthspan and lifespan; and interventions that may affect the aging process. The themes for this course vary each time it is offered. Co-taught with Dr. Allen Taylor.