Courses Taught
I teach both introductory courses and advance courses. In all my courses my goal is to engage students in the process of science and to train them to integrate information from different sources in the completion of an independent project.

Bio 7/Env 7: Global Change Biology (required for the Environmental Studies major)
This courses introduces students to human influences on natural and created systems. Students are also required to make a video on a specific environmental topic. Each year the top projects are selected and posted to YouTube.
Bio 51: Experiments in Ecology (intermittent instructor)
This course gives students the opportunity to design group research projects on ecological questions and to develop their skills in scientific communication
Bio 181: Tropical Ecology and Conservation
This seminar and field trip provides students with an in depth understanding of the tropics and first-hand research experience in Costa Rica, and develops their oral and written skills. I want each student to leave the course with the ability to formulate, design and conduct their own research project and to communicate their findings to their peers. Learn more about the course. You can also view photos from a recent course.
Bio 185: Food for All: Ecology, Biotechnology and Sustainability
Implementation of sustainable agricultural approaches is critical but how do we get there? This seminar provides students with an opportunity to explore the role of ecology and technology in the creation of sustainable agricultural systems.