Andrew Izsak

Andrew Izsak

(617) 627-3916
Paige Hall
Andrew Izsak

Research/Areas of Interest

The psychology of mathematical thinking, teachers' and students' understanding and use of inscriptions, multiplicative reasoning, applications of psychometric modeling for assessment and research in mathematics education.


  • PhD, Science and Mathematics Education, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, United States, 1999
  • MEd, General Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, United States, 1993
  • SM, Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, United States, 1992
  • BA, Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, United States, 1987


Andrew came to Tufts in 2018. He first became interested in mathematics education after graduating from college when he tutored students in a local, inner city junior high school. His research focuses on how students and teachers reason about topics related to multiplication (including fraction arithmetic, proportional relationships, and linear equations). He is especially interested in how they make use of inscriptions (drawings) and resources for reasoning about quantities. In addition to research on teaching and learning, he enjoys developing novel mathematics courses.