Writing Fellows

white flowers near the Eaton Hall path

What Is a Writing Fellow?

Writing fellows are undergraduate writing consultants who tutor students enrolled in courses that participate in the Writing Fellows Program. Every student in a Writing Fellows course is required to meet with his or her assigned writing fellow at least twice to discuss how to revise a draft into a polished, clear, and engaging paper that the professor will then grade. Writing Fellows are not TAs, and they do not grade papers. Rather, they provide a reader's perspective to help students revise their writing more effectively and rigorously. Acceptance into the program is competitive, and those selected must take a training course. All Writing Fellows receive a stipend.

What Kind of Student Are We Seeking for the Writing Fellows Program?

We are seeking strong writers with excellent interpersonal communication skills, intellectual curiosity, and an interest in helping others learn. We welcome nominations of current first-years, sophomores, or juniors (as we hire for the following academic year). We are seeking a diverse group of students from a wide variety of disciplines within the STEM fields, social sciences, and humanities.

How to Nominate a Student

Please email the names of your nominees to the Associate Director of Writing Resources at the Academic Resource Center. We will send the students a letter of congratulations informing them that they have been nominated by you and inviting them to apply to the program. Students appreciate the distinction of being nominated by their professors, and we appreciate your help in identifying appropriate candidates. Nominations will stand in as a recommendation for the student; you will not need to provide an additional letter of recommendation if the student decides to apply.

For more information on the Writing Fellows Program, please see the Student Accessibility and Academic Resources web site.

If you would like to have writing fellows assigned to a class you are teaching, visit the faculty portion of the web site or feel free to contact Carmen Lowe, the Director of the Writing Fellows Program, by email or by phone at 617- 627-3724.

Please contact the Writing Resources Department at the Academic Resource Center for more information, including the deadlines for this program.