
We are experimental social psychologists who seek to better understand, document, and confront racism. For a sense of past research projects in the lab, please see the Publications page. Current lab research projects include:
- How minoritized students perceive and react to identity safety cues in higher education settings
- Racial differences in perceptions of racism
- Racism as trauma: the psychological, physiological, and neural consequences of experiences with discrimination (recently funded by the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award)
We study interpersonal and contextual influences on racially biased perception, judgment, and behavior. We study how people communicate, think, and interact in interracial contexts.
More generally, we aspire to conduct research with practical implications for ameliorating racial inequities in domains including higher education, the workplace, the criminal justice system, and popular media coverage. We are committed to theoretically grounded, rigorous scientific investigation that promotes anti-racist objectives.