Minor in English

The Minor in English requires students to take six courses in the Department above English 1, 2, 3, and 4, which do not count towards the minor. The minor allows students to experiment widely or to follow a particular interest with some focus. Each minor will be individual in both concept and content. Students are expected to plan their own program of study that leads to breadth, pursues a specialized interest, or combines these two objectives. We encourage minors to include at least one course numbered below 100 and one above 100. Students are also encouraged to consult with the Department Chair to discuss their interest in pursuing an English minor.

To declare a minor in English, complete the electronic Declaration of Minor form on the Registrar’s website before December 2nd of your senior year. While you do not need Department approval in order to declare a minor, you are encouraged to consult with the Department Chair once you determine to pursue an English minor.

Program Requirements and Policies

  • If you have a minor, no more than two course credits used toward the minor may be used toward foundation, distribution, major, or other minor requirements.
  • The Minor in English requires students to take six courses in the Department of English. English 1, 2, 3, and 4 do not count towards the minor.
  • Students must receive a grade of C- or higher in any course that they wish to count towards the fulfillment of the minor.
  • Only courses offered by the English Department or cross-listed with an English Department registration number can count for the English minor. ExCollege courses may not be counted towards the minor.
  • No more than two transfer courses may be applied towards the minor. These must be taken in an English Department.
  • Students may count a maximum of three creative writing courses (defined as courses numbered English 0005- 0017) towards fulfillment of the minor. Fulfillment of the College Writing Requirement is a prerequisite for ENG 0005-0017.