Tufts English Graduate Organization (TEGO)
The Tufts English Graduate Organization (TEGO) is an autonomous student group that considers issues of concern to graduate students and coordinates projects to advance graduate study. Examples of TEGO activities include workshops on student research-in-progress, professional development workshops, informal meetings to discuss examination procedures, organization of thematic reading groups, and coordination of a graduate student conference.
2024-2025 TEGO Officers:
Jordan Green, Co-President
Casey O’Reilly, Co-President
Gillian Wood, Professional Development & Fellowship Co-Chair
Ketan Jain, Professional Development & Fellowship Co-Chair
Bailey Spencer, First-Year Writing Co-Chair
Jess Maloney, First-Year Writing Co-Chair
Andy Bainbridge, Social & Outreach Co-Chair
Soomin Ahn, Social & Outreach Co-Chair
Ben Papsun, Graduate Student Council Representative
Tufts Graduate Humanities Conference
The graduate student conference committee solicits papers internationally for presentation at a conference held at Tufts University each fall. Graduate students in the department coordinate all aspects of the conference.
This year, the conference will be held in person on Friday, October 25th at Tufts University's Medford Campus. Please see the call for papers, and submit proposals that include a title, a brief abstract of no more than 300 words, and a short biography with your university and department affiliation to tuftsghc@gmail.com.