Declaring a Major

Undergraduates in the school of Arts and Sciences must declare their major by March 1st of their sophomore year. (Students who are in their third semester in March may declare in the following fall.)

In order to declare a major in English, you must first find a full-time faculty member to act as your adviser. A good way to meet English Department faculty is by attending the English Department's Majors Luncheon, which is usually held the last week of February during Majors Week.

After you have found a faculty advisor:

  1. Complete the electronic Declaration of Major form on the Registrar's website.
  2. Your new English advisor will receive an email asking him/her to confirm that he/she will serve as your advisor.
  3. You will receive an email from Student Services confirming that you are officially an English major.
  4. Make sure to inform your pre-major advisor of your declaration.

The Undergraduate Education website has additional information on declaring your major, advising, academic deans, and more.