Director's Message

Thank you for your interest in the Tufts Postbac Premed Program. If you are a college graduate looking to complete course requirements for applying to a variety of health professions graduate programs, you are in the right place. There are many postbac programs and not every program is for every student – you want the program where you think you will excel academically and feel positive about your experience. Typically, there are two types of postbac programs - career-changer programs and academic enhancement programs. Career-changer programs are for students who already have an undergraduate degree and need to take pre-requisite coursework for the first time to be eligible to apply to health professions schools. Academic enhancement programs are for students who have already taken the majority of their prerequisite coursework as an undergraduate student but need to improve their science GPA. Tufts is a career-changer program and students are eligible to apply who have not already taken their prerequisite coursework. 


Consider these questions as you research programs:

  • Do I need a structured program where there is a cohort of students whom I know?
  • Do I need some flexibility in terms of how many courses I take at a time, or how slowly or quickly I move through the program?
  • Do I need access to an array of academic supports such as tutoring, study skills support, etc.?
  • Do I need access to individualized expert advising from someone who will help me map out my plan?
  • Do I need easy access to faculty so I can learn as much as possible and establish relationships that can result in letters of recommendation?
  • Do I need a program that offers preparation for the standardized test I will have to take?
  • Do I need easy access to volunteer and/or paid opportunities in healthcare to help build that aspect of my candidacy?
  • Do I want programming where admissions deans, alums, or other speakers help me better understand my path?
  • Do I need to continue working full-time or many daytime hours while you study?
  • Do I have the financial resources to pay for a structured, small, private school program?

Learn more about Academics

Director of Tufts Postbac Premed Program