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Core Faculty
Alisha Rankin
Professor and Department Chair of History
Early Modern Europe, the History of Science and Medicine, Women's History, the History of the Body and Sexuality
Rachel Applebaum
Associate Professor
Modern Russia and Eastern Europe, the global Cold War, global communism, transnational history
Ina Baghdiantz-McCabe
Professor and Darakjian Jafarian Chair of Armenian History
Armenia and Cross-Cultural World Early Modern Europe
Denise Bates
Dean, University College
Native American, Public History, 19th-20th Centuries US Southeast, Education, Leadership, and Political Engagement
Virginia Drachman
Arthur Stern, Jr. Professor of American History
Women in the Professions in America; GIrlhood in Post World War II America; Love and War in World War II; Medicine and Society in Amrica
David Ekbladh
U.S. in the World, International History, Modern U.S. History
Khaled Fahmy
Edward Keller Professor of North Africa and the Middle East
Modern Middle East
Kendra Field
Associate Professor
U.S., African American, Native American, family history and the history of genealogy
Elizabeth Foster
Modern France in the World, Colonial West Africa
Ayesha Jalal
Mary Richardson Professor
South Asia, the Muslim World
Sarah Mass
Assistant Professor
Britain and the World, urban history, history of capitalism, histories of multiculturalism
H. Muoki Mbunga
Assistant Professor
Modern East Africa
David Proctor
Distinguished Senior Lecturer
Late Antique & Medieval Western Europe, Byzantium, Southeastern Europe, Papal-Imperial relations
James Rice
Walter S. Dickson Professor of English and American History
Early American, Native American, and Environmental History
Reed Ueda
Industrial and Urban U.S., Immigration
Man Xu
Associate Professor
Middle Period China, Late Imperial China, Women's History, the History of Material Culture
Affiliate Faculty
Steven Cohen
Senior Lecturer
Heather Curtis
Warren S. Woodbridge Professor in Comparative Religions
Global Christianity American Religious History Religion, Humanitarianism and Philanthropy Religion, Health and Healing Evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity Religion and Reform Movements Gender and Women's Studies in Religion
Jeremy Eichler
John McCann Assistant Professor of Music
Music and memory, European cultural history, art and trauma, Holocaust, exile, modernism, criticism, public humanities, creative nonfiction, music and nature, environmental humanities.
Jennifer Eyl
Associate Professor
Pauline Studies, New Testament, Christian Origins Divinatory Practices and so-called "Magic" Gender & Sexuality in Antiquity Hellenistic Philosophy and Moral Psychology Apocryphal Acts and the Greek Novels Saint and Relic Veneration Constructions of the Afterlife Translation Theory and New Testament Studies Theory of Religion Digital Humanities
Kerri Greenidge
Mellon Associate Professor
African American History and African Diasporic History; African American Intellectual and Political Thought; African American and African Diasporic Literatures; African American and African Diasporic Histories / Literatures of New England
J. Matthew Harrington
Distinguished Senior Lecturer
Ancient Art and Archaeology, Digital Humanities, Comparative Greek and Latin Grammar (PIE Linguistics), Roman Satire, Post-Augustan Literature, Latin and Greek Pedagogy
R. Bruce Hitchner
Roman history, archaeology, North Africa in Antiquity, Ancient History, Balkans and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and International Relations
Elisabeth Leake
Associate Professor of History
Global history; decolonization; Cold War; South Asia; borderlands; international relations and global governance; internationalisms; transnational anti-colonialism
Brandon McDonald
Rumsey Family Assistant Professor in Interdisciplinary Studies
Environmental history of antiquity; Roman history and archaeology, especially the Eastern Mediterranean; health and disease in antiquity; Roman economy; climate history; ancient urbanism
Joanne Phillips
Associate Professor
Greek and Latin Languages, Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine, Lucretius
Cynthia Robinson
Senior Lecturer and Director of Museum Studies
Andreola Rossi
Senior Lecturer
Latin and Greek Epic; Roman Historiography
Part-time Faculty
Barbara Corbett
Katherine Hollander
Modern European history, intellectual history, history of gender, modern European labor history and history of socialism, Central European history; German literary and drama history, history of cooperation and collaboration. Poetry writing and reading practice, prosody, history of literature.
Paul Polgar
Alistair Sponsel
Daryl Spurlock
Emeriti Faculty
Gary Leupp
Professor Emeritus
History of Japan
Howard Malchow
Walter S. Dickson Professor of English and American History Emeritus
Beatrice Manz
Professor Emerita
Middle East and Inner Asia
Steven Marrone
Professor Emeritus
Medieval, Early Modern Europe
Daniel Mulholland
Professor Emeritus
Jeanne Penvenne
Professor Emerita
Hugh Roberts
Edward Keller Professor of North African and Middle Eastern History Emeritus
North Africa, Middle East
Howard Solomon
Professor Emeritus
Peter Winn
Professor Emeritus