Symposia and Lectures
Spring 2025 Colloquium Series
January 17, 2025
Matthew Mandelkern
Associate Professor of Philosophy, NYU
Location: Miner 224
"Hallelujah ‘junction"
We explore two puzzling phenomena involving the interaction of conditionals, disjunction, and conjunction. The first is Simplification of Disjunctive Antecedents (SDA), the inference from 'if p or q, r' to 'if p, r and if q, r', which often, but not always, appears valid. The second is the observation of McDermott 1996 that certain conjunctions and disjunctions of conditionals are, strangely, interpreted as being equivalent to each other: thus 'If the die lands even, it will land two, and if the die lands odd, it will land three', and likewise 'If the die lands even, it will land two, or if the die lands odd, it will land three', both have prominent readings where they are true just in case the die lands two or three, and false otherwise. We develop a unified account of these phenomena, based on attention to the setting of the contextual accessibility relation for conditionals. Not only does this account explain both phenomena in a conservative way, but it improves on extant accounts in a number of ways: it extends immediately to the wide-scope version of SDA, and it captures subjunctive versions of McDermott's cases. Joint work with Snow Zhang (Berkeley).
March 14, 2025
Zoë Johnson King
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University
Location: Miner 224
"Aretaic Injustice"
Philosophers have had a lot to say about blame and blameworthiness (and excuses, and exemptions, and punishment, and the standing to blame, and...), but much less to say about praise and praiseworthiness. This talk counteracts that trend by summarizing the account of praiseworthiness developed in my book manuscript and drawing out some of its implications. I offer views about the conditions under which people are praiseworthy for what we care about, for what we try to do, and for what we actually do, and I explain what these views jointly imply about how to deliberately increase one's own praiseworthiness. I then describe my account's implications regarding positive moral luck; in brief, on my account positive constitutive, circumstantial, and resultant luck are each somewhat mitigated but by no means eliminated. I end with some sobering reflections on the ways in which background injustices affect the distribution of positive moral luck, thus placing limits on how praiseworthy it is possible for someone to become.
April 25, 2025
Shamik Dasgupta
Associate Professor of Philosophy, UC Berkeley
Location: Miner 224
"Title (coming soon)"
Abstract (coming soon)
Annual Hugo Bedau Memorial Lecture
April 11, 2025
Kit Wellman
Professor of Philosophy, Washington University in St. Louis
Location: Braker 001