- BA in Philosophy Course Planning Worksheet
- BA in Philosophy Checklist
- Combined Degree Checklist
- Minor in Philosophy Checklist
- Minor in Cognitive and Brain Sciences Checklist
- Minor in Linguistics Checklist
Online Resources
Philosophy E-Lists
- Workshop on Gender and Philosophy (WOGAP) - WOGAP is a lively workshop with an active membership from Boston, western Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. It meets once a month at MIT (on the red line of the MBTA), which provides meeting space and dinner for participants.
- The Society for Women in Philosophy Mailing List - A national list with announcements and topical discussions of interest to women in philosophy and fellow-travelers.
Career Resources
Boston-Area Philosophy Departments
- Boston College Department of Philosophy
- Boston University Department of Philosophy
- Brandeis University Department of Philosophy
- Harvard University Department of Philosophy
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
- Wellesley College Department of Philosophy
Philosophy Resources Online
- Phil Papers - A comprehensive directory with thousands of online philosophy articles and books by academic philosophers. The site also accepts articles directly from users, who can provide links or upload copies.
- Philosophy professor salaries (Zip Recruiter)
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
National and International Philosophy Associations
- The American Philosophical Association - This is the main professional organization for American philosophers. It has three semi-autonomous divisions (Eastern, Central, and Pacific), each of which sponsors a major conference each academic year.
- Association for Symbolic Logic
- International Federation of Philosophical Societies
- International Society for the History, Social Studies, and Philosophy of Biology
- Philosophy of Science Association
- Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
- Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy - This is the main professional organization for philosophers focused on the continental tradition.
- Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
- The Society for Women in Philosophy
Rankings of Philosophy Graduate Programs
How to Write a Philosophy Paper
- Philosophy Research Guide at Tisch Library
- Harvard Center for Expository Writing's Guide to Philosophical Writing
- Jim Pryor's Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper