Minor in Portuguese

Interested students should consult the designated advisor for the minor.

Program Requirements and Policies

  • Six courses are required for the Minor in Portuguese. 
  • Liberal Arts students may not minor and major in the same discipline; they may not be certified in more than one minor (except when one of the minors is disciplinary and the other is interdisciplinary).
  • No more than one credit in Independent Study may be counted toward the minor.
  • It is highly recommended that seniors returning from overseas programs enroll in an appropriate Portuguese course in the Department of Romance Languages during their final year of study. 

Course Requirements

  1. Three courses in Portuguese language, culture and/or literature above POR 3.
  2. Three courses chosen from among the following:
    1. Up to three more courses in Portuguese language, literature, and/or culture;
    2. Up to two courses of the Lusophone culture or civilization courses listed in the Guidelines for acceptable courses taught in English or Spanish;
    3. One upper-level culture or literature course taught in Portuguese in a program abroad;
    4. A second upper-level course taught in Portuguese and completed in abroad may be counted if approved by the minor coordinator