SAT Subject Test Scores

Placement and acceleration credit are granted automatically on the basis of the following SAT Subject Test scores:

Placement at Tufts
420 - 490 Exempt from FR/IT/SP/POR 1; placement into FR/IT/SP/POR 2
500 - 580 Exempt from FR/IT/SP/POR 1 and 2; placement into FR/IT/SP/POR 3
590 - 650 Exempt from FR/IT/SP/POR 1, 2, and 3; placement into FR/IT/SP/POR 4
660 - 710 Exempt from FR/IT/SP/POR 1, 2, 3, and 4; placement into
720 - 760 Exempt from FR/IT/SP/POR 1, 2, 3, 4 and 21; placement into FR/IT/SP/POR 22
770 - 800 Exempt from Parts I and II of the Foreign Language Requirement and Culture Option. Acceleration credit of 1 course (equivalent to FR/IT/SP/POR 22) is awarded.