Honey Bee Animal Care Facility
Between May and October I maintain colonies of honey bees within a 12x16 temperature-controlled chamber near the Medford Campus. The bees are housed within observation hives and temperature data are gathered via an Omega OMB ChartScan 1400 Portable Data Collector with attached thermocouples.
Field Research Site: I maintain an apiary year round. My apiary consists of 10-25 hives located on Tufts University's Grafton Campus.

Observation hive

Omega OMB ChartScan 1400 Portable Data Collector

Starks' apiary
Paper Wasp Animal Care Facility
I house individual colonies of paper wasps within a temperature- and light-controlled room (14x14 feet). This facility has an associated staging room (14x6 feet), which is supplied with power and running water.
Field Research Site: A 20x70 foot strip of land on the Tufts University Medford campus houses 2-12x16 feet field enclosures. Each enclosure is powered and has close access to running water. We have modified the enclosures to be suitable for wasps and for wool carder bees. The facility is enclosed within a protective screen fence.

My laboratory (and my office; Dana 310A) is located on the third floor of the Dana Laboratory building, which is part of the larger Dana/Barnum complex.
Genetics Facility: Currently we are dedicating ~320 square feet of space (Dana 308B) to our genetics facility. Our facility includes a Li-Cor DNA fragment analyzer with dedicated computer containing software for DNA sequence scoring and analysis, and for microsatellite scoring and analysis. Associated equipment includes all necessary equipment for DNA extraction and PCR (microcentrifuges, pipettors, PCR machine, water purification system, -80C freezer, -20C freezers, refrigerator, agarose gel rig, a chemical hood, etc.).
Microbial Analysis Facility: Currently we are dedicating ~350 square feet of space to the collection, culturing, and identification of members of specific microbial communities. This facility contains equipment used for aseptic collection, space for culture growth, and equipment for DNA extraction.
Behavioral Suite: Currently we are dedicating ~300 square feet of space (Dana 310B) to the collection and analysis of behavioral and morphological data. This facility includes a dedicated computer (iMac), dissection microscopes, and video equipment.