Research/Areas of Interest:

Macroeconomics, Macro-Labor, Macro-Climate, International Macroeconomics, Macro Development


  • Ph.D. Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, United States, 2013
  • M.A. Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, United States, 2011
  • B.A. Economics with Distinction, Boston University, United States, 2008


Alan Finkelstein-Shapiro received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 2013. His research lies at the intersection of macroeconomics, labor economics, international macroeconomics, and more recently macro-climate. His work focuses on the study of labor market dynamics, financial frictions, and business cycles in both developing and emerging economies and advanced economies; the importance of heterogeneity for the behavior of labor markets and short-run economic activity; the relevance of the firm and employment structure in shaping short- and long-run macroeconomic performance; and the effectiveness of macro policies and structural reforms in mitigating the impact of adverse shocks to the economy and fostering better long-run macroeconomic outcomes. His most recent research agenda explores the labor market and macroeconomic implications of climate policies in developing, emerging, and advanced economies.