Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Justice

The School of Arts and Sciences, including the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, is committed to being an anti-racist institution. We have a multi-pronged action plan to promote and support diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in our schools and across the student-facing divisions that we share with the School of Engineering. 

Assistant/Associate Deans of Diversity and Inclusion

Three administrative dean positions were created in Arts and Sciences in 2019 to manage and implement our strategic goals related to DEIJ. These Assistant/Associate Deans of Diversity and Inclusion are tasked to help A&S to achieve its DEIJ goals outlined in the strategic plan which includes ways to diversify the curriculum; diversify our faculty, staff, and students; encourage and facilitate conversations about diversity across departments and units; train faculty in inclusive teaching strategies; and increase financial aid and other support for first generation students.

Our Assistant/Associate Deans of Diversity and Inclusion are:

DEIJ Strategic Plan

In 2020, under the leadership of the school’s Associate Deans of Diversity and Inclusion, a committee of staff, faculty, and students worked throughout the 2020-2021 academic year to establish a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice strategic plan for the School of Arts and Sciences. This plan is a working document--one meant to be periodically reviewed and modified as needed--and is intended to serve as a blueprint for the school's DEIJ work in the years to come.

Read more about our DEIJ Strategic Plan


The School of Arts and Sciences is in the process of diversifying its curriculum and academic requirements. In response to a faculty vote taken in winter 2018, departmental conversations have begun to discuss inequality and systemic racism within each academic discipline as well as the school. Dissecting racism department by department, program by program allows us to set our agenda for the future. A&S leadership has also initiated a task force to explore a proposal from the Tufts Community Union Senate to turn the world civilization requirement into a diversity requirement.

Looking outward, within our Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, we offer both an MA and a Graduate Certificate in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Leadership that teach students not only scholarly theory, but also gives them practical tools to implement positive change.

Office of Institutional Inclusive Excellence

This university-wide office supports faculty, staff and departments across the university for department/unit specific Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Access (DEIJA) educational needs in partnership with the school's Associate/Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion.

Office of Institutional Inclusive Excellence 

Division of Student Diversity and Inclusion

In 2019 the student-facing divisions of the Schools of Arts, Sciences and Engineering were restructured. During this process, our Identity-based Centers were organized into a standalone division--the Division of Student Diversity and Inclusion. Under the leadership of  the Associate Dean for Student Diversity, Inclusion and Success, DSDI staff work across the schools to support students and work toward equity, justice, diversity, and inclusion on campus. 

The Centers work collectively and independently to develop knowledge of and appreciation for diversity at Tufts. All students are welcome at each center, and they also sponsor many activities throughout the year such as field trips, lectures, and social events. For more information, visit their websites:

Division of Student Diversity and Inclusion

Tufts Identity-based Centers are organized into a standalone division--the Division of Student Diversity and Inclusion. Under the leadership of the Associate Dean for Student Diversity, Inclusion and Success, DSDI staff work across the schools to support students and work toward equity, justice, diversity, and inclusion on campus. 

The Centers work collectively and independently to develop knowledge of and appreciation for diversity at Tufts. All students are welcome at each center, and they also sponsor many activities throughout the year such as field trips, lectures, and social events. For more information, visit their websites:

The Student Accessibility and Academic Resources (StAAR) Center

The StAAR Center is a central resource for students, including those with disabilities. The StAAR Center values the individuality of our students, offering a number of different programs and services to help students reach their full potential, such as accessibility services, academic coaching, individual student support, academic skills workshops, tutoring, writing support, and faculty resources. 

Academic Centers and Labs

Center for the Study of Race and Democracy (CSRD)

The mission of the Center for the Study of Race and Democracy is to promote engaged research, scholarship and discussion, with a focus on the ways in which issues of race and democracy impact the lives of global citizens.

Diversity and Intergroup Relations Lab

The Diversity and Intergroup Relations Lab conducts experimental research regarding social perception, judgment, behavior, and memory in diverse settings.

Social Identity and Stigma Lab

The Social Identity and Stigma Lab aims to understand the impact of stereotypes on stigmatized group members under conditions of complexity.