
Lionel McPherson stands in front of a building on the Tufts campus. The legacy of enslavement—more than the concept of race—is at the root of our entrenched social status hierarchy, the philosophy professor in a new book.

It’s Not Really About Race

The legacy of enslavement—more than the concept of race—is at the root of our entrenched, caste-like social hierarchy, Philosophy Professor Lionel McPherson argues in a new book
Vickie Sullivan

#OurTufts: Vickie Sullivan

Cornelia M. Jackson Professor of Political Science Vickie Sullivan describes her experience teaching at Tufts in an #OurTufts series post
Purple flowering trees in a garden with Greek columns. Ancient Greek myths use the stories of spring flowers, summer and fall fruit, and winter’s decline to give comfort in understanding our lives, says classicist

Flowers, Fragility, and the Cycle of Life

Ancient Greek myths use the stories of spring flowers, summer and fall fruit, and winter’s decline to give comfort in understanding our lives, says Associate Professor of Classical Studies Marie-Claire Beaulieu
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