More planning for fire prevention can help—plus recognizing the risks of living in locations prone to natural disasters, says a professor of urban planning
Tufts study shows APOBEC enzymes, which normally help fight viral infections by mutating viral DNA, cause repeat expansions and are unusually active in the brains of Huntington’s patients
Professor of History David Ekbladh sees parallels between the world today and the economic uncertainties and rise of authoritarian rule in the pre-World War II era
Alexandra Collins is a new assistant professor in the Department of Community Health; Jeremy Eichler is the new John McCann Assistant Professor in Music; and Sonal Sharma is a new assistant professor in the Department of Sociology
The legacy of enslavement—more than the concept of race—is at the root of our entrenched, caste-like social hierarchy, Philosophy Professor Lionel McPherson argues in a new book