Minor in Finance

The minor in Finance is a six-course interdisciplinary minor that gives students a foundation in the formal economics of financial markets and supplements that foundation with important mathematical and philosophical tools. The courses in the minor introduce the study of intertemporal pricing, theoretical and empirical analysis of decision-making under uncertainty, and both positive and normative issues in settings of asymmetric information.

Program Requirements and Policies

  • The minor requires a total of the six courses, which include three core classes, two electives, and a capstone seminar. Within this structure, Economics 50 may not be double-counted for both a Finance Minor and either an Economics or Quantitative Economics Concentration.
  • At most, one Finance Minor elective may be double-counted as an Economics or Quantitative Economics major elective.
  • In addition to the six courses that comprise the Finance Minor formally, students with a strong and clear interest in a finance industry career should consider taking Economics 3, Financial Accounting, or its equivalent.
  • All courses used in fulfillment of the minor must be taken for a grade. A grade of C- or better must be obtained in the core and elective courses.
  • No more than two courses used for any minor, regardless of the number of semester hours they carry, may be used toward a foundation or distribution requirement, or toward a major of another minor.

Course Requirements

The Minor in Finance requires the completion of six (6) courses as follows:

  1. Three Core Courses:
    • Economics 50: Introduction to Finance
    • Mathematics 32: Calculus 1
    • Either Philosophy 24/Civil Studies 14: Introduction to Ethics OR Philosophy 38: Rational Choice
  2. Two Electives Courses, which can be any of the following:
    • Entrepreneurship (ENT) 103: Entrepreneurial Finance
    • Economics 150: Financial Economics
    • Economics 151: Monetary Economics
    • Economics 152: Topics in Money & Finance
    • Economics 159: Quantitative Financial Economics
    • Economics 169: Quantitative International Finance

*In addition to those above, one among any of the Fletcher courses below can also be used as an elective; Fletcher instructor permission is required in advance of enrollment.  C- or higher is required.

  • *B221: International Finance and Banking
  • *B224: Global Private Equity
  • *B229: Global Investment Management      


  1. One of the following Capstone Classes:
    • Economics 157: Topics in Finance and Entrepreneurship
    • Economics 192: Sustainable Finance and Investment
    • Philosophy 197: Ethics, Law, and Society

Note: students who choose to take both Ec 157 and Ec 192, either may be applied to fulfill one Finance Minor elective.