Daniel Richards

Daniel Richards

Daniel Richards

Research/Areas of Interest

Industrial organization, merger analysis


  • PhD, Yale University, New Haven, United States
  • AB, Oberlin College, Oberlin, United States


Professor Richards received his Ph.D. from Yale. In addition to teaching at Tufts, he has also taught at Queen's University, Hamilton College, the Sloan School of Management, the Rotterdam School of Management, and the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, He has also served as a consultant to government agencies, including the Federal Trade Commission. His papers have appeared in: American Economic Review; Journal of Business; Economica, Journal of Money, Credit, Banking; Quarterly Journal of Economics; Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Letters, Public Choice; Southern Economic Journal; Journal of Macroeconomics; Journal of Industrial Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, and Review of Industrial Organization. With Lynne Pepall and George Norman, he is a co-author of "Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Practice", now in its fifth edition. Two recent publications include: 1) "Sequential Product Innovation, Competition, and Patent Policy" (with G. Norman and L. Pepall), Review of Industrial Organization, 48 (May, 2016), and "Competition and Consumer Data" (with G. Norman, L. Pepall, and L. Tan), Research in Economics (Special Issue), (December, 2016).