Undergraduate Programs
Economics is one of the most popular undergraduate majors at Tufts. This popularity reflects the appeal of a discipline that applies formal analysis to real social problems. Training in economics provides a solid background for many different career paths - from employment immediately after graduation to postgraduate study. It is particularly appropriate for those with interests in business, finance, law, or public policy.
The starting point for the study of economics at Tufts is Principles of Economics (Economics 5) or Principles of Economics with Environmental Applications (Economics 8). These one-semester courses are offered each semester, have no prerequisites, and are open to all students. Students wishing to use pre-college training in economics to place out of this course can review Advanced Placement and Acceleration Credit. Students wishing to transfer college-level coursework in economics can review Transfer of Credit information.
BA in Economics
The BA in Economics focuses on mathematics, principles of economics, intermediate microeconomic theory, intermediate macroeconomic theory, and statistics, and allows for flexibility in the choice of courses. This major requires 10 total courses, and carries STEM certification.
BA/BS in Quantitative Economics
The BA/BS in Quantitative Economics follows a more mathematical approach to the study of economics. It provides the background recommended for those contemplating graduate study in economics or the more quantitative areas of business and finance. This major requires 12 total courses, and carries STEM certification.
Economics Minor
This five-course minor is designed for students who have done substantial work in economics but who do not choose to complete all the requirements for a major.
Finance Minor
A six-course interdisciplinary minor that gives students a foundation in the formal economics of financial markets and supplements that foundation with important mathematical and philosophical tools.
Fifth-Year Master’s Degree Program: BS/MS in Economics
The combined degree in Economics (BS/MS) couples a Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Economics with the two-year research-based Master of Science degree. Students complete the combined BS/MS five years.
Please visit our admissions website for comprehensive information on our admissions processes and requirements, deadlines, financial aid options, forms and instructions.