
The BA in International Literary & Cultural Studies - Hebrew offers a comparative perspective, encompassing language, cultural, and literary courses. This comparative approach aims to equip students with a strong foundation in the Hebrew language and essential world literacy skills. In today's globalized world, an international education enables students to embrace multiple perspectives, comprehend how others view the world, and find common cause with people around the globe.
A minor in Hebrew is also available for students wishing to develop their language skills.
Why Study Hebrew? The Magnificent Seven
- Immerse yourself in vibrant Israeli culture, film, television, music, and food
- Experience the politics of the Middle East from an insider’s perspective and not depend on foreign press
- Read and understand the Bible, the foundation of monotheistic thought, in the original language with the original meaning
- Understand deeply the prayers, practices, and celebrations of Judaism
- Learn Jewish culture and history
- Stimulate your brain, boost your memory, and improve your English
- Hebrew is a logical and beautiful language
Why do students take Hebrew at Tufts?
Learning Hebrew at Tufts you can
- Study in small classes bringing more opportunity for thorough language immersion
- Prepare for travel or study abroad in Israel
- Access Israeli news media
- Learn about Israeli and Jewish culture and history
- Gain skills relevant to concentrations in Religion or Jewish Studies
- Obtain jobs teaching Hebrew school in local synagogues
- Achieve fluency in a language that is important to you—and not only for academic reasons.
Our goal is to train students in all four skills (listening comprehension, reading, writing, and speaking) of Modern Hebrew. Starting in the first level, we teach the language not only through the textbooks, but also through examples gathered from contemporary Israeli culture – music, newspapers, radio, Internet, novels, poetry, academic texts, TV shows, films, and so forth. We conduct classes fully in Modern Hebrew and discourage the use of English by the students in class. Our goal is to challenge students in the classroom in order to allow them to interact successfully – whether through travel, work, or academic study – in today’s Israel.
The Program also brings prominent Israeli cultural figures to the University such as authors, poets, and filmmakers to deliver lectures and provide workshops for our students. Through these means, we expose students directly to Israeli culture, presenting a better understanding of this dynamic culture.
BA in International Literary & Cultural Studies – Hebrew Minor in HebrewVisit our FAQ page