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Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
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Core Faculty
Charles Inouye
Professor and Department Chair of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Japanese Program
Premodern and modern Japanese literature, figurality and the development of modern consciousness, gothic studies, realism, lyricism, animism, and eschatology.
Rana Abdul-Aziz
Distinguished Senior Lecturer
Arabic Program
Modern Arabic Literature, High school Arabic pedagogy and curriculum design, second language acquisition, high school political science and philosophy instruction
Marina Aptekman
Senior Lecturer
Russian Program
Twentieth Century, Women Writers, Russian film, literature, culture and language, Russian and Soviet Jewish cultural history
Gregory Carleton
Russian Program
Twentieth-Century/Contemporary Russian Literature and Culture; Narratives of War, Comparative Literature; Reception studies
Sarah Corrigan
Assistant Professor
Jianping Feng
Senior Lecturer
Chinese Program
Theory of Second Language Acquisition, Language Pedagogy, foreign language textbook construction, language and culture, and computer assisted language learning
Hedda Harari-Spencer
Senior Lecturer
Hebrew Program
Hosea Hirata
Japanese Program
Modern Japanese Literature, fiction, poetry, criticism. Literary and Film theory. Postmodernism. Avant-garde art. Experimental film.
Dingru Huang
Rumsey Family Junior Professor
Fadi Jajji
Senior Lecturer
Arabic Program
ACTFL OPI testing Translating (English into Arabic & vise versa) Consecutive Interpreting (English to Arabic & vise versa) Communicative Method Approach in teaching Arabic Online Education Online Arabic Language and Culture curriculum designed & development
Kiyomi Kagawa
Distinguished Senior Lecturer
Japanese Program
language pedagogy second language acquisition
Shiori Koizumi
Senior Lecturer
Japanese Program
Japanese Language
Jinyu Li
Distinguished Senior Lecturer
Chinese Program
Chinese Language, Chinese Syntax and Language Teaching Pedagogy
Susan Napier
Goldthwaite Professor of Rhetoric
Japanese Program
History and theory of animation Japanese animation (anime) and comics (manga) Modern Japanese literature Popular culture, especially science fiction and fantasy Contemporary constructions of gender and the body Technology and culture Fan culture Representations of trauma and loss
Doris Pfaffinger
Senior Lecturer
German Program
Second Language Pedagogy/ Teaching, German short film, 20th and 21st century literature and culture
Kamran Rastegar
Arabic Program
Comparative literature, film studies, modern Arabic literature, modern Persian literature, memory studies, postcolonial studies I study Persian and Arabic literary history in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. My first book Literary Modernity between Europe and the Middle East (Routledge, 2009) explored the origins of the conception of literary modernity in Arabic and Persian literatures, a topic that I have further addressed in articles and as editor of a special issue of the journal Middle Eastern Literatures and in articles and chapters for edited volumes. Second, I research the role of cinema and visual culture in the formation of cultural memory in conflict and post-conflict social settings, with specific interests in the histories of Iran, Lebanon, Palestine and Algeria. This research is reflected in my second book, Surviving Images: Cinema, War and Cultural Memory in the Middle East (Oxford UP, 2015). I am currently completing a critical study of the cinema of the Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman, under contract with Wallflower/Columbia University Press.
Joel Rosenberg
Lee S. McCollester Associate Professor of Biblical Literature
Judaic Studies
Judaic Studies, Film and Media Studies, ILVS, Middle Eastern Studies, Central European writers, South African writers, and World Literature
Alexandra Shraytekh
Mellon Bridge Assistant Professor
Arabic Program
Saskia Stoessel-Deschner
Distinguished Senior Lecturer
German Program
German language and culture teaching as a vehicle to intercultural citizenship, second language acquisition, and teacher language education.
Min Wan
Senior Lecturer
Chinese Program
Chinese Language Pedagogy, Second Language Acquisition, Social linguistics, Curriculum design
Mingquan Wang
Distinguished Senior Lecturer
Chinese Program
Chinese Language, Chinese characters, second language acquisition and pedagogy, and application of technology in language learning and instruction
Shaomei Wang
Senior Lecturer
Chinese Program
Chinese orthography and the Chinese reading process, utilizing approaches applied within a transactional socio-psycholinguistic framework that includes eye movement research and miscue analysis.
Markus Wilczek
Associate Professor
German Program
Seventeenth to twenty-first century German literature in its European context; Literature and the Environment, Discourses of Sustainability; Literary and Cultural Theory, Theories of Reading; Intersections of Literature, Science, and Philosophy; Media Studies, Aesthetics of the Human Voice; Post-dramatic Theater; History of Germanistik in the United States 1933-1945
Miki Yagi
Senior Lecturer
Japanese Program
Japanese Linguistics and Pedagogy
Souhad Zendah
Senior Lecturer
Arabic Program
Arabic pedagogy and curriculum design, Language and Literacy acquisition K-12, and Arabic modern literature
Xueping Zhong
Chinese Program
Modern Chinese Literature, Chinese Culture, Film
Affiliate Faculty
Yonatan Brafman
Assistant Professor
Areas of Specialization: Modern Jewish thought; Jewish law and ethics; philosophy of religion; moral, legal and political philosophy. Areas of Competence: Medieval Jewish thought; rabbinic literature; pragmatism; 20th century philosophy; theories of religion.
Part-time Faculty
Efrat Amiri
Maria Andrianova
Russian Program
Naftali Brawer
Judaic Studies
Claire Cooley
Arabic Program
Tatyana Gassel-Vozlinskaya
Russian Program
Matthew Hass
Judaic Studies
Levente Li
Chinese Program
Huimin Li
Chinese Program
Reiko Marcos
Japanese Program
J. Brandon Pelcher
German Program
Environmental Humanities, Material Ecocriticism, Eco-Cinema & Eco-Media, Ecofeminism, 21st Century Environmental Literature, Capitalocene, Theories of Commodity Consumption, Historical Avant-Garde (esp. Futurism, Dada, Situationism, Fluxus), Visual Culture & Media Theory, Theories of Photography, Literary & Political Theory (esp. Ideology, (Post)Structuralism, Marxism), Memory Studies
Aida Vidan
Qiang Wang
Chinese Program
Qing Ye
Chinese Program
Jennifer Yoo
Japanese Program
Emeriti Faculty
Gloria Ascher
Associate Professor Emerita
Daniel Brown
Associate Professor Emeritus
Li Li Chen
Professor Emerita
Chinese Program
Teruko Craig
Senior Lecturer Emerita
Japanese Program
Sol Gittleman
Alice and Nathan Gantcher University Professor Emeritus
Vida Johnson
Professor Emerita
Twentieth Century, Women Writers, Russian film, literature, culture and language
Rahel Meshoulam
Senior Lecturer Emerita
Kiyoko Morita
Senior Lecturer Emerita
Christiane Romero
Goldwaithe Professor of Rhetoric Emerita
Ronald Salter
Professor Emeritus