Programs Abroad


Students may choose to study in the Arab world in consultation with Arabic program faculty. Popular destinations have included Beirut, Lebanon; Amman, Jordan; Fez or Rabat, Morocco, to name just a few. Some students may elect to study Arabic in U.S.-based programs, such as the summer immersion program at Middlebury College. Tufts has also successfully placed Arabic students into the prestigious Center for Arabic Study Abroad program at the American University in Cairo, and in other, similar programs. To learn more about study abroad programs in Arabic, contact Rana Abdul-Aziz and visit Tufts Global Education to see a list of recommended programs. In addition, learn more about fulfilling Arabic degree requirements (major or minor) while studying abroad.


Tufts runs a summer and a fall program in Beijing. 

Summer Program

This is a non-credit two-week summer Chinese language program at Beijing Normal University (BNU) between early and late August. The goal of the program is to help participants improve their Chinese language proficiency and increase their understanding of Chinese culture. The program offers intensive language training, lectures on Chinese culture, local excursions, and trips to places with cultural and historical significance. 

BNU covers all program related expenses in China: room and board, tuition, transportation, visits, etc.

Fall Program

Tufts in Beijing (TIB), which includes the summer program, is a 4-month program (mid-August to mid-December), based at Beijing Normal University (BNU), one of the top universities in China. Renowned for its rich educational resources, BNU is a leader in developing talent of exceptional intellect and creativity. Its School of International Chinese Language Education, where Tufts in Beijing is based, is hailed as one of the foremost 'National centers for teaching Chinese as a foreign language.'

The major components of the TIB program include intensive language training, culture courses taught in English, exploring China through traveling and studying, and limited internship opportunities. These major components provide participants with an in-depth and enriching academic and cultural experience.

Prerequisites: well prepared undergraduates who have successfully completed Chinese 4 (or the equivalent) by the time of departure are eligible to apply.

For some basic facts of the TIB Program, please review the fact sheet or visit Tufts-in-Beijing.

Transfer of culture credits from non-Tufts study abroad programs will not count towards the Chinese major or minor.

For additional information, contact Mingquan Wang, Olin 312.



This program allows juniors (or seniors) with sufficient German language proficiency (completed German 4 or equivalent by the time of departure) to spend a year (or a spring semester) abroad studying at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität in Tübingen. Tübingen offers a rich cultural life, and combines the flair of a picturesque medieval downtown with the atmosphere of a lively cosmopolitan university town. Students may select courses based on their interests and often can also satisfy other major requirements. Tutors are available to help with the understanding of course content at no extra cost. Credits will be entered to student transcripts directly without the need for transfer credit requests. Tufts scholarships or financial aid packages are carried over and require no change or additional application. The timeline of the program makes extensive travel in Europe possible, and students can also take advantage of internship opportunities, which should be discussed in advance with our Resident Director. For more information, contact Associate Professor Markus Wilczek or other German program faculty. Learn more about Tufts in Germany.


Students are encouraged to study in Israel for a summer, semester, or full year. Recommended non-Tufts programs include those offered by:

For additional information regarding studying abroad opportunities, please contact: Hedda Harari-Spencer or the Tufts Global Education.


Students are strongly recommended to study in Japan during their junior year (two semesters of Japanese are required). In order to prepare students for a future of increased contact with Asia, Tufts in Japan offers students a full academic year and fall or spring semester at Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (KCJS). Learn more about Tufts in Japan.


Majors are encouraged to study abroad for a summer, semester, or full year. For recommendations of non-Tufts programs please contact Russian Language Coordinator, Marina Aptekman. Students may also consult Tufts Global Education.