Course Descriptions
The list below includes descriptions of all courses offered by the Department of Occupational Therapy.
Visit the graduate page for course requirements for specific programs. For up-to-date information on course offerings, schedules, room locations, and registration, please visit the Student Information System (SIS).
OTS 102 Gross Anatomy. (Cross-listed as Biology 4) A systemic approach to human anatomy, including the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, digestive, genital, urinary, and nervous systems. Detailed study of the upper and lower extremities, emphasizing normal function. Laboratory sessions weekly. Prerequisite: biology.
OTS 103 Neuroanatomy. (Cross-listed as Biology 5) The structure and basic function of the nervous system: both central and peripheral nerves analyzed as to functional components, course, and action. Basic tracts of the central nervous system outlined and traced. Laboratory sessions weekly. Prerequisite: OTS 102.
OTS 104 Kinesiology. (Cross-listed as Biology 11) Introduction to normal human movement. The basic anatomical, physiological, and biomechanical principles that underpin normal movement and function. Includes the assessment of muscle and joint function through manual muscle testing and goniometry. Emphasis on the biomechanics of everyday activities. Prerequisite or taken concurrently: gross anatomy.
OTS 105 Assistive Technology. Examination of problems in designing and providing assistive devices to individuals with disabilities, to assist mobility, communication, positioning, and environmental control and daily living. Processes discussed include needs assessment, search for available devices, resources available, and creative problem solving. Students work with materials commonly used to create individualized devices, in cross-disciplinary teams on a design for a specific user or group. Problems of funding and delivery of devices also explored. For students in occupational therapy and engineering, and for educators, speech/language pathologists, and rehabilitation personnel.
OTS 106 Occupation and Adaptation in the Child and Adolescent. Developmental themes and models of childhood and adolescent occupation, including activities of daily living, play, education, social skill development, and vocational exploration. The impact of physical, psychological, cognition, and social development on the child as well as the influence of caretakers, community, and culture. Fieldwork experience. Prerequisites: Psychology 1, junior or senior standing.
OTS 107 Occupation and Adaptation in the Adult Years. Developmental themes and theoretical models of the adult life cycle, from early to late adulthood including examination of physical, psychological, cognitive, and social changes and the influence of culture, race, and gender on occupations and adaptation. Emphasis on individual differences and the impact of sociocultural context or areas of occupation such as work, activities of daily living, play, education, social participation, and spiritual practices. Community field experience. Prerequisites: Psychology 1, junior or senior standing.
OTS 137, 138 Fieldwork Seminar. No description at this time.
OTS 193 Autism: Working with Children with Autism: Facilitating Social and Educational Participation. In this course, students will gain knowledge in understanding current research on etiology theories and neurobiological basis of autism, understand core features in impairment in communication, social skills, and emotional regulation, understand occupational impacts for the child and the family, and gain knowledge in evidence-based interventions. We will pursue knowledge through two parallel lines of inquiry. Students will become immersed in a case- based assignment, identify an area of interest related to the case, evaluate evidence related to the case, design and create intervention tools, and produce and upload a final presentation. A second line of inquiry will broaden our lens as we examine the history of autism as a diagnosis and hopefully challenge, broaden, and refine our lens relative to this population as we work with and for children and adolescents with autism and their families. This is a pre-requisite for OTS 285.
OTS 194 Working with Children with Self-Regulation Issues in Schools. This course will discuss the foundations of self-regulation for children and adolescents, including sensory, attentional, emotional, and behavioral aspects. We will discuss methods for evaluation and intervention in these areas, as well as applications and implementation of strategies within the educational model of school-based services. This is a pre-requisite for OTS 285.
OTS 202 Professional Ethics in Occupational Therapy. Examination of the 2020 Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics (the Code) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Ethical dilemmas, moral distress, and the legal context of occupational therapy practice. Engagement in ethical reasoning supported by models and theories to address issues currently relevant for OT practitioners and their colleagues, clients, families, and communities. Distinguishing between ethical dilemmas, moral distress, and legal challenges in practice. Gathering information, considering multiple perspectives, identifying and utilizing professional resources, and identifying possible courses of action.
OTS 204 Topics in Emerging Practice Areas. The first of several courses in the curriculum to address innovative, non-traditional, community-based practice areas for occupational therapists. Building on their understanding of occupation, students will explore trends within the current practice of occupational therapy and formulate opportunities for future practice. Current practitioners exploring OT practice in areas like adaptive sports, animal assisted therapy, domestic violence, homelessness and sexual health will present to students. As part of this course, students in small groups will complete an initial needs assessment exploring the role occupational therapy in a particular area of emerging practice.
OTS 205 Clinical Reasoning Seminar I: Observation and Interpretation. The first in a series of courses focusing on the development of occupational therapy reasoning skills based on theoretical and practice learning. Emphasis on the ability to make, reflect on, analyze, and critique observations as well as making interpretations based on these observations. Building leadership skills and the ability to view the whole person (including an individual's sexuality and spirituality) through experiential learning. Prerequisites: Psychology 1, junior or senior standing.
OTS 206 Clinical Reasoning II: Procedural Reasoning. Exploration of the procedural components of the clinical reasoning process with reference to the profession's practice framework, evidence- based practice, selected theoretical models and practice areas. Topics include principles of evaluation, outcome measures, evidence-based practice, client- centered practice, clinical documentation, and pain management.
OTS 207 Clinical Reasoning III: Interactive Reasoning. Exploration of the interactive aspects of clinical reasoning through fieldwork and classroom experiences. Topics include analysis of self, the initial interview, interview process, designing and asking interview questions, the phenomenological approach to interviewing, limit setting techniques, self-analysis of interviews, the termination process, and interacting with guest speakers who are living with disabilities. Prerequisite: OTS 205.
OTS 208 Clinical Reasoning Seminar IV: Evidence-Based Practice. Advanced seminar explores the clinical reasoning process with reference to evidence-based practice in occupational therapy. Topics include client problem and goal identification, development of PICO questions, searching and analyzing literature, preparing Rx plan, presentation to client.
OTS 209 Clinical Research. Exploration of the components of the research process in the context of occupational therapy. Includes developing research questions, conducting a literature search and review, data collection and data analysis, drawing conclusions from data, ethics in research, and sharing research findings. Prerequisite: Introductory statistics; open to undergraduates.
OTS 210 Doctoral Capstone Proposal and Methods. Students will learn the necessary tenets for project proposal and methods development. This content is meant to directly support their Doctoral Capstone project proposal, pertaining to at least one area of relevance for Occupational Therapy: Research, Education, Emerging Practice and Policy/Advocacy. The key tenets addressed will include background, significance, purpose and aims, detailed implementation procedures, methods for evaluating projects, and a separate related literature review section. Students will learn to select and describe methods (instruments and research designs) to evaluate projects and prepare a database (excel spreadsheet) that includes realistic mock data on all key project variables and outcomes. Students will practice using research methods that will be needed to evaluate their projects (e.g., descriptive statistics, content analyses, nonparametric / parametric comparative tests) and creating charts and tables using mock data to address project aims. A mixture of didactic and small group feedback sessions will be used to assist students with project conceptualization and planning; writing and revising project proposals; synthesis and critical appraisal of key literature; selection and application of methods; and using and giving constructive feedback. At the end of the course, students should be confident with the basic mechanics of the proposal writing process by initiating a working draft of their proposal, developing a working knowledge in a variety of methods used to evaluate data, and reporting of anticipated project results. Prerequisite: OTS 209 Clinical Research.
OTS 211 Occupational Therapy Foundations. This introductory occupational therapy course provides a conceptual foundation for students to the explore the profession of Occupational Therapy. Theoretical concepts and models fundamental to the practice of Occupational Therapy will be examined from a historical, current and future OT lens. Students will begin to develop a therapeutic use of self and explore what it means to be a professional. Occupation and activity as core principals of practice will be explored with experiential learning.
OTS 213 Introduction to the Doctoral Capstone. This course is an introduction to the Doctoral Experiential Component of the curriculum in its entirety. A large and small group seminar style requiring active student participation to engage in the process of self-assessment and peer feedback exchange. Strengths based self-assessment, as well as integration of previous self-assessments of group leadership and emotional intelligence will be used to create a professional narrative. Initiation of Professional Portfolio and reflective assignments (written and media based) will be used to develop a Professional Development Plan re: strengths and areas for further development. The KAWA Model will be used as a thread for student PDP. Students will also gain early knowledge of instructional design for the purpose of professional presentation. Students will use these materials as sources to prepare themselves for the DEC site and mentor matching process that will occur in this semester.
OTS 214 Professional Development for the Doctoral Capstone. This course is a progression from OTS 213 Introduction to the Doctoral Capstone to further integrate self-directed learning, ongoing self-assessment, and updating Professional Portfolio information regarding competencies. Using the KAWA model students will revise their Professional Development Plans related to strengths and areas for further development . Students will engage in learning about organizational development and leadership through readings and attendance at an AOTA Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting.. Students will implement Instructional Design from OTS 213 to present material orally related to their Doctoral Capstone project proposal and related skills (SWOT analysis/needs assessment, grant writing, IRB, writing samples, oral presentation skills) for peer and faculty feedback. By the end of this course a full doctoral project proposal will be ready for presentation and peer/faculty feedback.
OTS 215 DEC Seminar. This course is concurrent with Doctoral Experiential Component and consists of a collaborative hybrid venue of online and face to face small group meetings between the site mentor, faculty mentor, and DEC coordinator. Progression towards DEC outcomes are monitored and documented. Students will give and receive feedback and support as part of the seminar meetings and via written reflections. Preparation of Final Portfolio, Conference Abstract submission, and Public Presentation synthesizing in-depth knowledge and disseminating outcomes of the Doctoral Experience, are shared for peer and mentor feedback.
OTS 216 Doctoral Experiential Component. This 14 week (560 hour) experience is started once all academic coursework, Level II Fieldwork, and Doctoral Project preparation (literature review, needs assessment, program goals/objectives, outcomes framework, IRB application, and individualized student/supervisors learning contract) are completed. A formal evaluation of student performance provided by the DEC site mentor at the completion of the experience is required.
OTS 219 Group Theory and Community-Based Practice. Exploration of the dynamics of small and large group systems. Classes and readings focus on theories of group process that lead to effective group functioning. Group experiences in class to integrate theoretical learning about group observation, leadership, and individual membership skills. Understanding culture in relation to group development in small and large group systems and application of group theory to practice in occupational therapy. Lectures, mentoring groups, and assignments are integrated with weekly community-based service learning where the students facilitate small task-oriented groups. Prerequisite: concurrent OTS 106.
OTS 224 Occupational Therapy Practice in Physical Dysfunction. Basic treatment principles for neurologic, orthopedic, degenerative, and traumatic conditions, including CVA, arthritis, burns, fractures, and spinal cord injuries, as well as theory and research in relation to treatment, will be presented in lecture. Laboratory stresses conduct of motor, sensory, and perceptual evaluations; comprehensive treatment planning; splint fabrication; transfers; and psychodynamics of physical rehabilitation. Includes a fieldwork component. Prerequisites: OTS 102, 103, and 243 (taken concurrently or prior to OTS 101, 104, and 242).
OTS 226 Occupational Therapy Practice with the Pediatric Population. This course prepares students to use clinical reasoning to apply knowledge of pediatric occupational therapy and principles to working with children and their families. Course content will focus on supporting the occupations of the child within an environmental context with an emphasis on family and sociocultural factors. Students will examine major theoretical frames of reference based upon current research and will learn to apply this to planning occupational therapy evaluations and interventions. As part of this course, students are required to participate in a Level I pediatric occupational therapy fieldwork experience. Prerequisites: OTS 104, 106, 206, and either 224 and 227.
OTS 227 Occupational Therapy Practice in Psychosocial Dysfunction. Review of the theoretical backgrounds that have either historical or current significance in the practice of occupational therapy with individuals who are mentally ill. Students use a variety of learning activities to fully explore this area of practice, including lecture, lab, and clinical fieldwork. Practical application of theoretical concepts and clinical reasoning applied to a variety of treatment situations to guide clinical decisions from evaluation through discharge. Prerequisites: OTS 107 and 243 (taken concurrently or prior to OTS 106, 219, and 242).
OTS 229 Occupational Therapy Practice with Older Adults. Study of contemporary issues of aging and social implications of worldwide longer lifespan. Examination of theories of aging, including physiological, psychological, and functional changes and the influence of culture, race, and gender in the experience of aging. Through clinical reasoning, students learn to evaluate and facilitate functional performance in older adults in a variety of environments, ranging from community to institutional settings. Professional roles, intervention strategies, and modes of service delivery, including interdisciplinary approaches to gerontic occupational therapy.
OTS 232 Health and Community Systems. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the health care system in the United States and learn how health care policy is established. Government sets health care policy, either explicitly by legislating, or implicitly by not legislating. The impetus to a policy is a problem. Introduction to key problems, both historic and current, so that students may understand the solutions that shape their work world and may contribute to the discussion and negotiation of future solutions for their clients.
OTS 233 Occupational Therapy Management and Administration. The philosophy of health care delivery in the United States, both institutional and community. Principles of management within the institutional and community health care system, including moving from clinician to manager, managerial roles, marketing, financial management of an occupational therapy department, staff development, recruitment and retention, ethics in the workplace, and professional issues.
OTS 234 Integrative Seminar I. The purpose of this course is to orientate international baccalaureate-prepared occupational therapists who plan to practice in the US to the US health system and to assist them develop their plan for the educational equivalency (OTED) process so that they can to be accepted to sit for the national Occupational Therapy board exam through National Board Certification for Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). Offered in the Fall semester, 2 credits.
OTS 235 Integrative Seminar II. Internationally baccalaureate-prepared occupational therapists who plan to practice in the US must pursue a masters degree and complete an educational equivalency process in order to be accepted to sit for the national Occupational Therapy board exam through National Board Certification for Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). This course will continue the content in Integrative Seminar 1, providing coverage in areas historically identified by NBCOT as deficient in the applications for educational equivalency determination (OTED). Topics will include reimbursement structures in health care in the United States, driving rehabilitation services, telehealth, instructional design, continuing professional development planning, documentation, travel therapy, feeding, eating, swallowing & dysphagia, among other topics. Case studies with contextual content will be presented via paper and the online platform, Simucase. Students will be facilitated to continue to document their educational evidence in their individual tracking system. Students will also be discussing the process of completing MS degree requirements prior to applying to NBCOT, as well as understanding whom to contact in the department for paperwork that requires the University Seal, and for paperwork that must be mailed directly to NBCOT from the OT department as part of this multi-step process. Offered in the Spring semester, 3 credits.
OTS 237, 238 Fieldwork Experience. Level II Fieldwork is an integral part of OT education, designed to promote clinical reasoning and reflective practice, to support ethical practice, to communicate and model professionalism, and to expand knowledge and application of occupational therapy assessments and interventions. Through the fieldwork experience, students will learn to apply theoretical and scientific principles learned in the didactic portion of the academic program to address actual client needs and to develop a professional identity as an occupational therapy practitioner within an interdisciplinary context. Through completion of 24 weeks of full time equivalent fieldwork in a minimum of two different practice areas, the fieldwork experience shall meet requirements in accordance with the Standards for an Accredited Educational Program for the Occupational Therapist (AOTA, 2012).
OTS 242 Health Conditions: Pathology and Prevention I. Incidence, prevalence, and etiology of health conditions that contribute to disruption in occupational performance focusing on conditions common in childhood through adolescence. The health practitioner's role in the treatment and management of these conditions and the role of risk-factor identification and prevention. The person-environment- occupation model and statistical significance of health conditions in relation to selected populations and the occupational impact. Discussion of conditions such as oppositional defiant disorder, attention deficit disorder, conduct disorder, pervasive development disorder spectrum, depression, bipolar illness, anxiety disorders, neuromuscular disorders, orthopedic conditions, and selected central nervous system disorders. Prerequisites: Psychology 1, Gross Anatomy (OTS 102 prior or concurrent), Abnormal Psychology (Psychology 12 for non-BSOT students).
OTS 243 Health Conditions: Pathology and Prevention II. Incidence, prevalence, and etiology of health conditions that contribute to disruption in occupational performance focusing on conditions common in adults and older adults. The health practitioner's role in the treatment and management of these conditions and the role of risk-factor identification and prevention. The person-environment-occupation model and statistical significance of these conditions in relation to selected populations and the occupational impact. Discussion of conditions such as affective disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, traumatic brain injury, burns, personality disorders, dementia and delirium, neuromuscular disorders, orthopedic conditions, and selected central nervous system disorders. Prerequisites: Psychology 1, Gross Anatomy (OTS 102 prior or concurrent), Abnormal Psychology (Psychology 12 for non-BSOT students), Neuroanatomy preferred (OTS 103).
OTS 244 Health Conditions: Pathology and Prevention III. Incidence, prevalence, and etiology of health conditions that contribute to disruption in occupational performance. The health practitioner's role in the treatment and management of these conditions and the role of risk-factor identification and prevention. The person-environment-occupation model and discussion of statistical significance of these conditions in relation to selected populations and the occupational impact. Discussion of psychological, musculoskeletal, neurological, and general medical conditions with attention to public health model of prevention through intervention methods. Prerequisites: BSOT students only; Gross Anatomy (OTS 102), Neuroanatomy (OTS 103), Human Physiology (OTS 101).
OTS 251 Educational Theory for Allied Health Professionals. Exploration of adult learning concepts, including project- and problem-based learning. Emphasis on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), an inclusive framework for all learners, for subsequent application to the leadership project dissemination requirement. (3 credits)
OTS 274 Topics in Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation I. This graduate-level course, geared toward occupational therapy practitioners and students, will be team taught by Department of OT faculty and specialists in hand and upper extremity rehabilitation from the Massachusetts General Hospital. This course will serve as an introduction to the specialization of hand therapy within the field of occupational therapy. Participants may elect to continue their study of the upper extremity with courses offered in the spring semester and summer. Clinicians who participate in all three would be eligible to apply for a hand therapy fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
OTS 275 Topics in Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation II. This graduate level course, geared toward occupational therapy practitioners and students, will be team taught by BSOT faculty and specialists in hand and upper extremity rehabilitation from the Massachusetts General Hospital. This course may serve as the second in a series designed to introduce the class participant to the specialization of hand therapy within the field of occupational therapy. Participants may also begin with this class. Participants may elect to continue their study of the upper extremity with courses offered in the summer and fall semester. Clinicians who participate in all three would be eligible to apply for a hand therapy fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
OTS 276 Topics in Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation III. This graduate level course, geared toward occupational therapy practitioners and students, will be team taught by BSOT faculty and specialists in hand and upper extremity rehabilitation from the Massachusetts General Hospital. This course will serve as a capstone class in a three-class series introducing the participant to the specialization of hand therapy within the field of occupational therapy. Participants must have taken either the fall or spring offering to participate. Lecture format will be used to cover diagnostic topics. The remainder of the term will be conducted using problem-based learning to integrate and further develop concepts introduced in the prerequisite courses.
OTS 284 Therapy in Schools: Best Practices. The provision of school services to support the child with specialized learning needs is governed by federal and state legislation. This course will focus on "big picture" issues related to educationally relevant service provision in light of current legislation as well as the practical application of providing educationally relevant occupational therapy services. Topics include pertinent legislation, systems considerations, the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) process and eligibility, models of service provision, evaluation and intervention. The course will examine the evidence base for strategies for supporting children in the educational process using the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) mandate. This course is 3 credits and is a prerequisite for OTS 285, another required course in the certificate program.
OTS 285 Mentored Seminar in School-based Practice. The Mentored Seminar in School- based Practice allows a student to pursue a work leadership project with mentorship from university faculty with content expertise. This faculty-guided, applied experience will focus on student-identified work-related area for potential change. Students, under the mentorship of the certificate program faculty, will survey the research literature, develop an action plan for change, and plans for implementation. Examples of topics: how to provide educationally-relevant services; how to provide collaborative consultation with your inter-professional team; how to move to increased services within the classroom; how to develop integrated goals; how to support UDL or MTSS. Topic should be of specific interest to the student; plan created should be based on available evidence and realistic in terms of implementation.
OTS 286 Leadership Project Planning. Students are mentored to plan and begin to create their leadership project, and may include needs assessment, literature review, potential outcomes. A proposal for the leadership project will be drafted, and with faculty mentor approval, will move to the SBER approval process as necessary. (3 credits)
OTS 287 Leadership Project Implementation. Students implement leadership project they have created through previous courses, including data collection and beginning analysis; with continuing affinity group mentoring. (3 credits)
OTS 288 Outcomes Measurement and Monitoring: Using Data to Inform Practice. In this course students will learn about and develop skills in outcomes measurement, management and monitoring to assist with making practice related decisions and improvements. Students will collaborate with selected stakeholders (e.g., administrators, staff, consumers) at a selected practice setting to identify and monitor key program outcomes and person, environment and intervention variables that may have an influence on these outcomes. (3 credits)
OTS 289 Leadership Project Dissemination. In this course, students will complete data analysis, write up results, and implications for occupational therapy practice. Write abstract. Dissemination can include submission to conferences, peer-reviewed journals, non-peer reviewed industry papers, among other methods. Submissions do not need to be accepted for program completion. Students will participate in scheduled department-based dissemination opportunities as expected practice in PP-OTD programs includes public dissemination, whether online or F2F. (3 credits)
OTS 290 Occupation-centered Practice. Occupation is the cornerstone of occupational therapy practice. Definition and application of occupation-centered practice for all stakeholders, including clients & patients, payors, administrators, policy makers, and legislators. Engagement with an occupation-centered focus in the therapeutic process, from evaluation to intervention and discharge, including assessment tools, documentation, and goal writing. (3 credits)
OTS 294/295 Mentorship. Direct mentoring relationship with Faculty mentors in which student is guided in process of project development, timeline, drafting of Student/Faculty/Site Mentor Agreement, supporting identified skill development related to project implementation and evaluation (e.g., question development, professional writing style, development of methods of evaluation, Institutional Review Board applications/modifications if needed, statistical analyses, dissemination). May be done individually and/or in group format.
OTS 297 Leadership, Advocacy, & Ethics in Occupational Therapy. This course discusses leadership theories relative to occupational therapy practice and administration, including change process. Advocacy models will be discussed at the individual, systems, and populations levels. Scholarship within the field of occupational therapy will also be highlighted. Complete CITI training. (3 credits)
OTS 298 Leadership Project Mentoring. Continue affinity group mentoring of leadership projects to support completion of proposal for project, with a focus on completion of methodology and plan for data analysis, including submission and approval process to SBER as necessary. (3 credits)
OTS 299
Occupational Justice: Diversity Equity Inclusion. Concepts of occupational justice include the understanding that peoples' occupations occur within multiple contexts, including social environments. Practitioners work with clients for whom barriers of social injustice, including ableism, impact their ability to perform their wanted and needed occupations. Discussion of and reflection on social issues, intersections of identities & disability, and impact to the occupational therapy evaluation process; intervention choices; and advocacy for persons, systems, and populations. (3 credits)
OTS 401PT Master's Continuation, Part-time. No description at this time.
OTS 402FT Master's Continuation, Full-time. No description at this time.
OTS 501PT Doctorate Continuation, Part-time. No description at this time.
OTS 502FT Doctorate Continuation, Full-time. No description at this time.