Baker Appointed as Department Chair

The Department of Occupational Therapy is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Nancy Baker as Department Chair effective July 1, 2020.
Dr. Baker joined Tufts in 2018 as Associate Professor after 17 years at the University of Pittsburgh in the Department of Occupational Therapy. Dr. Baker graduated with her B.S. in Occupational Therapy from Tufts and went on to receive her and ScD in Therapeutic Studies from Boston University in 2000 and MPH from University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health in 2009.
Dr. Baker is an internationally recognized expert in the prevention and treatment of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, particularly carpal tunnel syndrome. Her current work focuses on using virtual reality to treat chronic pain. Baker's research is eclectic and uses a variety of tools and techniques to answer her research questions. She has experience with instrument development (Keyboard – Personal Computer Style [K-PeCS); motion capture analysis of upper extremity function; and has completed two randomized clinical trials, one on computer keyboard use, and one comparing conservative treatments of carpal tunnel syndrome. She has developed skills in large dataset analyses and is developing health systems intervention research to improve the care of people with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Baker says, “I look forward to working with our talented faculty and students. The OT department has just implemented our new entry-level OTD program, and I am excited to help grow this new educational chapter. Tufts OT researchers are actively involved in studying how to promote equitable participation in daily activities and well-being of people, populations, and communities and I look forward to supporting these efforts."