Research/Areas of Interest:

Italian Renaissance art, Mediterranean studies, early modern books, and portraiture


  • PhD, University of California, Berkeley, United States, 1988
  • MA, University of California, Berkeley, United States, 1981
  • BA, Scripps College, United States, 1979


Cristelle Baskins earned a PhD from UC Berkeley. Her interests include secular subject matter, political allegory, domestic painting, and Renaissance art in modern film. She has published widely in scholarly journals such as Art History, Oxford Art Journal, The Burlington Magazine, and Studies in Iconography. Her book, Cassone Painting, Humanism and Gender in Early Modern Italy (Cambridge, 1998), was awarded an Honorable Mention by the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women. She has edited two volumes: The Medieval Marriage Scene: Prudence, Passion, Policy with Sherry Roush, and Allegory in Early Modern Visual Culture with Lisa Rosenthal. She curated an exhibition for the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, October 2008 - Jan 2009: The Triumph of Marriage: Renaissance Painted Wedding Chests. The exhibition was supported by the Mellon and Kress foundations. In 2009-2010, she was on sabbatical as an Aga Khan Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University working on a book project, Picturing North Africa and the Levant in Early Modern Italy.