Internships and Job Opportunities

Undergraduate Positions

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Fall 2024 Bio 13/15 undergraduate Lecture LA and Lab TA programs are now accepting applications.  Please see link below for detailed information and application. 

Fall Bio 13 Lecture LA positions

Bio 13 LA Role Description and Responsibilities:

Qualtrics link for application here: (Applications open April 17th and close May 3rd)

Email if you have questions.

Fall Bio 15 Lab TA positions

Bio 15 TA Role Description and Responsibilities:

Qualtrics link for application here:  (Applications open April 17th and close May 3rd)

Email or if you have questions.

Civic Skills in Biology Course Application

Civic Biology Fellowship applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are now open (due May 10th)! Civic Biology Fellows merge biology passion with advocacy skills to foster positive social change through inclusive science communication and community engagement. Learn more about the program and complete the application here:


Graduate Positions

Tufts Biology accepts applications for the OCMS program year-round (with different deadlines for full-time vs part-time students) and Ph.D. program applications on an annual basis. For more information on how to apply, please visit our graduate program webpage

For current students enrolled in our program, Ph.D. students receive full tuition support for six years, a competitive stipend, and health coverage for the duration of their program either through a research or teaching assistantship.

There are usually a few teaching assistant opportunities every year available to OCMS students currently enrolled in the program, offering financial support in the form of a teaching stipend for the semester. Additionally, multiple courses may require a grader, which is an hourly role advertised to OCMS students.

For both OCMS and Ph.D. students, there are opportunities to serve as tutors through the StAAR Center.