Minor in Film and Media Studies
A minor in Film and Media Studies provides students with an understanding of artistic potential, and the cultural, social and political impact of various media forms. As minors, students have the opportunity to craft their concentration with courses in film and media theory, history, industry, marketing and production.
Minor Course Requirements
The Film and Media Studies minor requires the completion of six courses within the following elective requirement categories:
One required core course: Art of the Moving Image (FMS-0001).
Students should take Art of the Moving Image (FMS-0001) as their first course in the major (or aim to complete it in their first year in FMS). FMS-0001 is a pre-enrollment requisite for a number of FMS courses and must be taken before enrolling in those courses. This course is taught every semester and is open to first-years, sophomores, and juniors. For seniors seeking to complete the minor, core course substitution may be possible with the approval of Denise Cummings, Director of Undergraduate Studies. Core course substitutions include Global History of Cinema (FMS-0002) OR 20th Century U.S. Television History (FMS-0006).Questions about the course can be directed to Denise Cummings, Director of Undergraduate Studies.
- One required course from the elective practice category.
Four elective courses from the FMS course list. The four electives courses can come from any elective category; however, a maximum of two practice courses can count toward the minor.
Minor Policies
- A total of six courses is required.
- Each elective course can be used to fulfill one elective requirement category.
- A maximum of two courses in the elective practice category may be counted toward the FMS minor.
- One internship course (FMS-0099) can be applied to the minor. The internship course counts as elective in the practice category.
- One FMS Directed Study (FMS-0195) can be applied to the minor.
- Up to three courses taken abroad or at other universities can be counted toward the FMS minor. Each of these must meet the FMS course criteria and approved by Denise Cummings, FMS Director of Undergraduate Studies. To request course credit for a course taken at another institution, please follow the instructions on the Tufts Transfer Credit page.
- Any FMS or cross-listed FMS course can be used to fulfill the FMS minor course requirements. On the rare occasion that a non cross-listed Tufts course meets FMS criteria, a student may petition to have it counted by completing the FMS Course Credit Petition, which must be submitted to and approved by Tasha Oren, FMS Program Director.
A grade of a C- or higher is required to count a course toward the minor. No minor course may be taken Pass/Fail except the FMS-0099 internship course.
The following forms are required to complete the minor:
- Minor Declaration Form
- Minor Checklist (submitted with the Tufts Graduation Packet in October for Dec/Feb graduation and November for May/Aug graduation of senior year)
Academic questions about the FMS degree program can be directed to Denise Cummings, FMS Director of Undergraduate Studies.