Equipment Checkout

WebCheckout Patron Portal

Once logged in, please choose the 'Film and Media Studies | LL25 Barnum' Checkout Center.

Equipment Room Location

163 Packard Ave, Barnum Hall
Lower Level, Room 25


The FMS Equipment Room is closed for the summer.

Questions, please contact Kyle Petty or Natalie Minik.

Equipment Policy

Equipment is reserved for students in Film and Media Studies production courses. Students interested in making class projects for other departments or for personal work can contact the Digital Design Studio in Tisch Library to fulfill their equipment needs.

Checkout Rules

  • The student must be currently enrolled in a FMS production class at Tufts University in order to sign out equipment.
  • Equipment must be checked out and returned during regular cage hours: Monday through Friday, 10AM - 3PM
  • All equipment reservations must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of checkout. We do not accept in-person, on the spot reservations. Plan your equipment rentals in advance.
  • Late Fee: Failure to return equipment on the date indicated on your reservation will result in a $20 late fee per day late and a hold on reserving future equipment until equipment is returned and paid. Please plan your production accordingly. Three or more late returns will result in the loss of equipment privileges.
  • Equipment may be checked out for 48 hours. For example, equipment checked out on Tuesday is due back on Thursday. The weekend is considered 48-hour checkouts (ie. equipment checked out on Thursday is due Monday).
  • At the time of checkout students are responsible for testing equipment for missing or broken parts. If found, please let staff know so we can give you functioning equipment. FMS Staff are responsible for checking for missing or broken equipment when returned.
  • Equipment must be stored in a secure location. Theft due to unsecured handling will be the responsibility of the student.
  • Damage caused by gross neglect will be the student’s responsibility. Any item or kit returned in a highly disorganized state or showing signs of gross neglect and improper care will result in loss of privileges. Please return equipment in an organized state.
  • Please notify cage personnel if you notice any problems with equipment while it’s in your care.