Program Faculty
Director of International Literary and Visual Studies

Markus Wilczek
International Literary and Visual Studies Executive Committee
Nina Gerassi-Navarro, Department of Romance Studies
Silvia Bottinelli, School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Tasha Oren, Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies; Film and Media Studies Program
Sonia Hofkosh, Department of English
International Literary and Visual Studies Faculty
Any faculty member willing to advise an ILVS major could be a thesis and/or major advisor.
Joseph Auner, Department of Music
Nancy Bauer, Department of Philosophy
Marie-Claire Beaulieu, Department of Classical Studies
Silvia Bottinelli, School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Alessandra Campana, Department of Music
Gregory Carleton, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Alexandra Chreiteh (Shraytekh), Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Sarah Corrigan, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Lee Edelman, Department of English
Gérard Gasarian, Department of Romance Studies
Emily Gephart, School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Nina Gerassi-Navarro, Department of Romance Studies
Eulogio Guzman, School of the Museum of Fine Arts
J. Matthew Harrington, Department of Classical Studies
Brenna Heitzman, Department of Romance Studies
Hosea Hirata, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Sonia Hofkosh, Department of English
Dingru Huang, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Charles Inouye, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Ronna Johnson, Department of English; Department of Studies in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora
Joseph Litvak, Department of English
Jess Keiser, Department of English
Melinda Latour, Department of Music
Nancy Levy-Konesky, Department of Romance Studies
Laura Baffoni Licata, Department of Romance Studies
John Lurz, Department of English
Rick Moody, Department of English
Laurel Nakadate, School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Susan Napier, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Tasha Oren, Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies; Film and Media Studies Program
Diane O'Donoghue, Tisch College
Pedro Ángel Palou, Department of Romance Studies
Kathleen Pollakowsky, Department of Romance Studies
Vincent J. Pollina, Department of Romance Studies
Peter Probst, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Kurt Ralske, School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Kamran Rastegar, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Anne-Christine Rice, Department of Romance Studies
James Rice, Department of History
Joel Rosenberg, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Modhumita Roy, Department of English
Pablo M. Ruiz, Department of Romance Studies
Claire Schub, Department of Romance Studies
Ichiro Takayoshi, Department of English
Malcom Turvey, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Aida Vidan, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Tina Wasserman, School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Markus Wilczek, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies
Stephen L. White, Department of Philosophy
Chantal Zakari, School of the Museum of Fine Arts
Xueping Zhong, Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies