Department of Biology


Prospective Undergraduates

Dr. Levin has no control over the admissions process; however, if you are accepted to Tufts University and have a strong interest in his lab, contact him at

Current Undergraduates

The Levin lab hosts undergraduate students (from Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, and other departments) for independent research. This is usually in the context of research courses such as Bio93/Bio94/Bio193/Bio194/Bio193T+Bio194T, or independent reading courses (Bio195, Bio196). If you are interested in doing independent research in the Levin lab, you should contact Dr. Levin via email, but be aware that these spots fill up very quickly and arrangements should be made at least a semester in advance.

Prospective Graduate students

Dr. Levin can only accept PhD students via the Tufts Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. You may contact Dr. Levin in advance to determine whether he is accepting PhD students for the next year (include a CV and a description of your background and research interests). If you are accepted at Tufts GSAS, contact Dr. Levin for rotation opportunities. Students accepted by Tufts Medical School could potentially do part of their work in the Levin lab, arranged with their program on a case-by-case basis.

Learn more about the graduate program