Department of Biology


We currently have the following positions available:

Post-doctoral positions are available for projects on the epigenetics of embryonic development, mathematical modeling of patterning during regeneration, and biophysical controls of cancer. We are specifically interested in people with a computational or mathematical physics background to develop novel analysis pipelines for bioelectric data in pattern regulation. We also welcome applications from people who are in the finishing stages of their Ph.D. but may not be ready to move yet (plans can also be made for over a year in the future as well, since it is often the case that the most competitive candidates make arrangements well in advance). We are looking for talented, versatile, highly motivated biologists with experience in molecular techniques and a background in developmental biology, electrophysiology, neurobiology, bioengineering, and related disciplines. People with a computer science/engineering background are also encouraged to apply. Our lab utilizes the frog, chick, planarian, and zebrafish systems to understand the roles of endogenous ion currents in patterning during embryonic morphogenesis and regeneration. We also have projects on memory and learning, neuroplasticity, and the dynamics of memory storage during brain regeneration. Our work uses a convergence of molecular embryology, cell biology, biophysics, physiology, and mathematical modeling, and this is a great opportunity for someone to develop truly frontier science. Many exciting projects are available. If you are interested, please email me. Candidates will be asked to send a CV, letters of reference, and the outline of a research project proposal.

We are currently full and not accepting PhD students, but spots may become available in 2023. If you're interested, please apply through the Tufts Biology department's program and indicate your interest in our lab on your application.

For Tufts students, we are interested in

  • Computer Science undergrads for part-time software work
  • Computer Science graduate students for thesis projects in computer modeling of biological signal processing
  • Biology undergrads for part-time work throughout the year.