At UEP we embrace the inextricable links between social, economic, and environmental challenges and we recognize the value of moving society toward the development of sustainable communities in a just and equitable manner while respecting the limits of supporting ecosystems. Our students have ample opportunities to integrate the study of sustainability with policy, planning, and practice in Field Projects, faculty research and coursework. Sustainability recognizes the connections among agricultural and food systems, energy production and consumption, transportation, built environments, resilient infrastructure and community economic development. The university’s strengths in climate change, renewable energy, and water create opportunities for learning across disciplines.
Related Programs
- MS in Sustainability
- MA in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning
- MS in Environmental Policy and Planning
- Community Environmental Studies Certificate
Featured Classes
UEP 0284-01 Developing Sustainable Communities
Instructor: Agyeman
UEP 0294-14 Sharing Cities, Smart Cities, and Social Innovation
Instructor: Agyeman
UEP 0194-AA Sustainability and the Food Industry
Instructor: Guillemin
UEP 0279-01 Water Resources, Policy and Planning, and Watershed Management
Instructor: Horsley
UEP 0294-08 Data Science for Urban Sustainability
Instructor: Jiang
UEP 0226-01 Social Justice and Sustainability
Instructor: Lopez
Featured Faculty
Featured Alumni
Field Project & Thesis Examples
- Wind and Waste: Diversifying Boston's Renewable Energies
- Planning Urban Heat Island Mitigation in Boston
- Clean Green Driving Machines: Reducing Municipal Vehicle Fuel Consumption
- Sustainability Reporting in New England: An Analysis of Programs and Metrics Reported by Top Public Manufacturers (Michael Coty)
- Drivers of City Sustainability: Evidence from Europe (Silvia Tanga)
- Sustainability Considerations for Music and Arts Festivals in the United States (Eric Giambrone)