Campus Partnerships
Water: Systems, Science and Society (WSSS) Program
Students from any of Tufts' graduate schools may participate in the graduate certificate program in Water: Systems, Science and Society (WSSS), which is a model for integrative graduate education that organizes research and training on water policies and issues across disciplinary boundaries. Participation in the program does not extend the timeline to degree completion.
UEP students enrolled in the WSSS certificate program select either the practicum track or the research track, and take either 2 or 3 WSSS-approved courses that also count toward the UEP degree. UEP faculty participate in all aspects of WSSS including teaching courses and serving on the WSSS Steering Committee.
Environmental Studies Program
UEP actively engages with the undergraduate Environmental Studies program by offering core coursework and participating in program governance and development. The program's Sustainability, Policy, and Equity track is closely aligned with UEP, as is the Food Systems, Nutrition, and the Environment track. Opportunities for UEP students include teaching assistant positions as well as collaborations with faculty and students in a wide variety of disciplines.
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life
Tufts University is explicitly committed to fostering an attitude of 'giving back,' promoting an understanding that active citizen participation is essential to freedom and democracy, and a commitment to make the world a better place. The mission of the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life is to prepare Tufts students for lifetimes of active citizenship, and to make public service an important dimension of their lives and work. Program activities designed to fulfill this mission include faculty and curriculum development, student leadership development, an information and resource clearinghouse, and seed grants for faculty and students initiatives. UEP faculty and students are active participants in Tisch College, strengthening UEP's own community outreach initiative.
Research Centers
Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE)
The Global Development and Environment Institute was established to gain a new understanding of how nations and societies at differing stages of economic development can pursue development in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner. It is also aimed at assisting the public and private sectors in applying this knowledge in the creation of appropriate policies that promote sustainability. Through research, curriculum development, a visiting scholars' program, conferences, and faculty seminars, the institute offers opportunities for shared activities between the Fletcher School and Graduate and Professional Studies, and also provides employment opportunities for graduate students.
Tufts Institute of the Environment (TIE)
The Tufts Institute of the Environment (TIE) is an interdisciplinary, university-wide education and research institute that facilitates and coordinates environmental programs at the university. TIE is devoted to advancing and disseminating knowledge about the many ways human interactions affect the environment. It meets this goal by: assisting faculty to create new environmental courses; developing interdisciplinary research initiatives; coordinating efforts among existing departmental programs; supporting speakers and visitors; involving alumni; producing books, articles, reports, conferences and other outreach activities and supporting and recognizing outstanding Tufts students. Student research projects play a key role in informing university decisions such as building renovation, equipment selection, and policy development.
The Talloires Network
The Talloires Network is building a global movement of civically engaged and socially responsible higher education institutions. The network advocates for the expansion of civic engagement activities and promotes the most promising practices from our members and others in the field of higher education. UEP has had many research assistants (RAs) in Talloires, as well as alumni who have worked for the network.