MA in Classics

The master's program in classics at Tufts is designed for students who wish to go beyond the bachelor's level to attain a broader and deeper knowledge of the classics for one or more of the following purposes: teaching, further graduate study, digital technology, or publishing. With its strong language component and faculty strength in literature, history, archaeology, and digital humanities, this program particularly suits those who want either to consolidate and improve their language, research, and teaching skills in preparation for a PhD degree at another institution or to teach classics at the secondary level.

Below are requirements and policies for three possible tracks to the MA in Classics degree:

  • MA in Classics: Students in this program usually have an undergraduate degree in Classical Studies or a related discipline. Typically a two or three year program.
  • MA in Classics One-Year ProgramDesigned for students with an undergraduate degree in Classics and a high level of experience in Greek and Latin. 
  • MA in Classics with Integrated Post-bacc: A three-year program designed for students wishing to pursue a graduate degree in classics, but who started classics late in their undergraduate career or did not have the opportunity to master Greek and Latin and other areas of classics.  


MA in Classics

Program Requirements and Policies

  • Candidates must successfully complete ten graduate courses in Classical Studies. Candidates will usually have completed the equivalent of an undergraduate Latin or Greek major. If not, additional courses will be required for completion of the master's degree.
  • Reading knowledge of Latin or Greek and one modern foreign language (usually German or French) is tested by examination.
  • To demonstrate research and presentation, the candidate may submit for evaluation by a faculty committee either two qualifying papers (written for courses at Tufts and revised as necessary after completion of the course) or a thesis. The thesis normally counts as two of the required ten courses. Students usually find that writing a thesis takes a full term of uninterrupted work. An oral examination based on the qualifying papers or thesis is required.

Course Requirements

  • Two courses in upper-level Latin
  • Two courses in upper-level Greek
  • One course in History
  • One course Classical Archaeology
  • Four additional courses in the Department of Classical Studies


  • Latin translation
  • Greek translation
  • Foreign language (usually German or French)
  • A comprehensive written examination integrating course work with knowledge of the reading lists in Greek and Latin literature is required.

Program Objectives

  1. Students will have developed the ability to conduct research and write a graduate level research paper and/or thesis.
  2. Students will have developed broad knowledge of the Classical world including literature, history and/or archaeology as well as a deeper focus in a particular area relevant to student interest.
  3. Students will have developed a strong competency in both Latin and Greek and have been exposed to new methods of learning and using the languages. (eg. Treebanking)
  4. Students will have gained reading knowledge of a modern foreign language relevant to research in the field.
  5. Students will have been exposed to new developments in the field of Classical studies.
  6. Students will be prepared to go on to advanced graduate work and/or secondary school teaching.


MA in Classics - One Year Program

Many students who are well prepared for graduate study at the PhD level need a small amount of extra work in Latin, Greek, or graduate research to make their dossier as attractive as possible to a PhD program. As we offer many advanced language classes and directed research opportunities, the Tufts Department of Classical Studies is in an excellent position to serve such students. This program is demanding and intensive, but offers the advantage of a compressed timeline and the flexibility of summer work. Prospective students are encouraged to consult with their advisors and the Tufts Director of Graduate Studies before applying.

Course Requirements

  • A total of 30 credits are required
  • At least one of LAT 132: Survey of Latin Literature, GK 132, or GK 131: Survey of Greek Literature
  • At least one LAT and one GK at the 100-level besides LAT 132, GK 132, GK 131
  • Pre-thesis seminar or CLS/ARCH/HIST at the 100’s level
  • CLS 295 and 296: thesis writing, offered in summer


  • A total of two summers and one academic year of study are typically required to complete the program.
  • First summer: CLS 196-197 (Study abroad, if appropriate), or other appropriate class offered in the summer. Online classes are available. 
  • Academic year: coursework and exams
  • Second summer: Thesis (CLS 295 and 296)


  • Latin translation exam
  • Greek translation exam
  • Foreign language (French or German)


MA in Classics with Integrated Post-bacc

A program intended to help student remedy gaps in languages, history, archaeology, and research experience while pursuing a graduate degree in classics.

Coursework and Program Requirements

  • 3 classes per semester for three years for a total of 18 classes or equivalent credits
  • Languages: 1 Latin and 1 Greek class per semester
  • Writing instruction: Methods seminar in first year + one thesis class in second year, and two thesis classes in third year culminating in capstone project (MA thesis)
  • 3 graduate classes in history, 3 in archaeology, 2 in religion


  • Latin translation
  • Greek translation
  • Foreign language (German or French)
  • Comprehensive exam