Community Music Programs

Since its opening in February 2007, the Perry and Marty Granoff Music Center has become a resource for the local community. In addition to the regular 200 plus concerts and events open to the public and presented in Distler Performance Hall and Fisher Performance Room, Tufts Music also offers a range of other community music programs. These include: Saturday music classes for children and teenagers, weekday evening classes and ensembles for adults, guest workshops with community musicians, the Sunday Concert Series, and the Family and Children's Concert Series.

Edith Auner, an accomplished musician and program director, coordinates the Tufts Community Music Program. She is happy to speak with you about any of our Community Music Program offerings or opportunities. To contact Ms. Auner, please call 617-627-5616 or by email.

Community Music Offerings 2024-2025

Registration for 2024-2025 Community Music Classes and Adult Programs will be available in June. Visit the Community Music Class offering page to see what classes are being offered. If you wish to apply for scholarship assistance, please fill in the answers to the questions at the end of the application form.