Audition Information

Placement in the Tufts Youth Philharmonic for middle school and high school students ages 13+ will be by audition.

Auditions for 2024-2025 on September 6, 2024 at the Granoff Music Center at Tufts University starting at 4 pm, very limited openings.

2024-2025 Application

If you have questions or require more information, please call or email Edith Auner.

Audition Requirements

  • Strings, Woodwinds, and Brass 
    Student should play two (2) contrasting solo pieces of your choice that demonstrate musical and technical ability; 3 octave scales, (2 octave scales for winds and brass), up to four sharps and four flats.
  • Percussion 
    Student should play two (2) pieces of choice on mallets and snare/timpani.
  • Harp 
    Student should play two (2) contrasting pieces of choice, no scales or excerpts.

Contact Information:

Edith Auner 
Phone: 617-627-5616 