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Course Descriptions
The list below includes descriptions of all undergraduate and graduate courses offered by the Department of Child Study and Human Development.
Visit the undergraduate and graduate pages for course requirements for specific programs. For up-to-date information on course offerings, schedules, room locations and registration, please visit the Student Information System (SIS).
Undergraduate Courses
CSHD 0001 Introduction to Child Study and Human Development. A survey of child development from infancy through adolescence. The course covers the major cognitive, physiological, emotional, and social changes that occur during this period. Midterm and final exams; observation and testing reports. Required for majors.
CSHD 0004 Topics In Child Development. Course allows beginning students to go beyond the introductory level in a particular area of child development. Topics include social cognition, children and their families, and moral development. Focused readings and study of selected topics of student's choice form a major part of the course. Assignments include project report.
CSHD 0007 The Child And The Educational Process. The study of child development as related to diverse educational programs for young children. Includes observations at the Eliot-Pearson Children's School as well as other selected environments, to strengthen understanding of how theories and values inform diverse approaches to early education. Lectures, videos, small group discussions of reading assignments and observational reports. (This course is a prerequisite for CSHD 135, 136 and must be taken prior to or concurrent with CSHD 171, 172.)
Recommendations: CSHD 1 or permission of instructor.
CSHD 0034 Children, Nature, and the Development of Earth Stewards. (Cross-listed as ENV 34, CVS 32, and CSHD 234) Understanding how children and youth develop as earth stewards in the 21st century in the context of environmental breakdown, environmental injustice, and widespread disconnection from nature. Focus is on frameworks, methods, and programs for fostering ecological literacy and earth stewardship among children and youth.
CSHD 0042 Inquiry and Analysis in Child Study and Human Development. Introduction to the logic and processes of inquiry in health, well-being, and development as it relates to developmental science research and to clinical and educational settings where clinicians, teachers, and other practitioners puzzle about particular children and families needing help. Provides students with an opportunity to consider in depth the questions that guide any systematic inquiry related to the health, well-being, and development of children and families. Required for majors.
CSHD 0044 Senior Honors Thesis Seminar. Course open to all senior thesis writers, aiming to create a supportive community at all stages of thesis work. Idea exchange, strategies, and peer support throughout the process, complementing guidance from thesis advisors. Prerequisite: Approved Senior Thesis proposal and instructor permission.
CSHD 0051 Intellectual Development. Contemporary theory and research on the development of intellectual processes from infancy through adolescence are examined. Cognitive-developmental theories and research are emphasized and compared with psychometric, information-processing, cultural context, feminism, and other approaches. Course project provides opportunity for analysis of one's own learning experiences.
Recommendations: CSHD 1 or PSY 1.
CSHD 0061 Personal & Social Development. This course deals with personality and social development from infancy to adolescence. Topics to be covered include attachment, sex-role development, empathy and friendship, social cognition, and moral development. A combination chronological/topical approach will be followed.
Recommendations: CSHD 1 or PSY 1.
CSHD 0062 Childhood Across Culture. (Cross-listed w/AAST 62 and LST 62) Intermediate-level study of child development, with emphasis on cultural perspectives integrating psychological and anthropological theory. Children's development examined across cultures and in the context of the various social institutions and settings within which they live.
CSHD 0064 Parent Child Relations. Examines the parent-child relationship from a variety of perspectives, including cross-cultural and social class differences, differences between mothering and fathering, and the parents' influence on the child's psychological development (e.g., sex role). Emphasis is on the interactive influences of parents and children. In the last part of the course, programs for altering parent-child interactions are explored. While most of the readings are based on recent empirical studies, the course includes short stories and novels. Case histories are also relied on to capture complex, intangible phenomena like communication, trust, and intimacy.
Recommendations: CSHD 1 or PSY 1.
CSHD 0066 Self & Identity: Negotiating Place in Communities. (Cross-listed with CVS 143) Intermediate level course on the development of self and identity from infancy through young adulthood. Development-in-Context approach is used, with emphasis on how individuals negotiate their place and position in local, national, and global communities. Topics may include theories of self and identity development; dimensions of self; domains of personal and social identity development (e.g., religious, ethnic, racial, national, gender); social processes and contexts of identity development; identity integration; narrative construction of self and identity; and clinical and therapeutic applications of narratives of self and identity.
CSHD 0067 Resilience in Development: Children, Youth, and Adversity. Children and youth often encounter adversities in their development, such as poverty, child maltreatment, community violence, or chronic disease. Despite adversity, some children overcome the odds and demonstrate resilience. Characteristics of children and youth, and their families and communities, that promote well-being in the context of adversity. Course may include a field-based practicum. Prerequisite: CSHD 1 or Psych 1.
CSHD 0068 Adolescent Development And The Transition To Adulthood. (Cross-listed w/ CSHD 168) The psychological, biological, and cognitive changes during the second decade of life, the challenges of adolescence, and the primary contexts that influence development during this period of the life course. Exploration of current theoretical and empirical knowledge about adolescence. Application of developmental research on adolescence to practice and policy.
CSHD 0082 Social Policy For Children And Families. Intersection of child development and social policy. Case studies of processes through which social problems are defined, policies formulated and implemented. Models for analyzing existing and proposed policies and for interpreting program evaluation results. Topics may include child abuse and neglect, family leave, maternal and child public-health policy, child care, early-childhood education. Special attention to policies affecting disadvantaged and minority populations. Lower level of dual-level course. Recommendations: CSHD 1 or PSY 1.
CSHD 0090 Exceptional Child. (Cross-listed as CH 120) Overview of some of the special needs of preschool and elementary-age children who show a variation in typical development, such as variations in orthopedic, sensory, emotional, social, and cognitive development. The more recently designated special needs, such as childhood diseases, autism, fetal alcohol syndrome, HIV, and drug addiction are also presented. Distinguishing characteristics and developmental challenges are presented in each diagnostic category. Special focus is placed on families, school, community, and students. Includes observations and field trips. Recommendation: CSHD1 or permission of instructor. Restrictions: Students who have taken CSHD 190 cannot take CSHD 90.
CSHD 0099 Community Field Placement. (Cross-listed with CVS 88) (Cross-listed with CSHD 99) Work and study in programs serving children, youth, and families, including programs addressing environmental education, children’s media, children’s mental and physical health, juvenile justice, child advocacy, and special education. Prerequisite: Consent. Fall/Spring.
CSHD 0100 Child Health Seminar/Fieldwork. Work and study in programs with a focus on children’s and adolescents’ health. Placements include hospitals, mental health treatment programs, outreach programs providing dental care, and hospital-schools for children with physical challenges. Placements are supervised in a seminar focusing on children and adolescent health issues.
Recommendations: consent.
CSHD 0109 Autism Across the Lifespan. This course will offer a developmental overview of autism spectrum disorder from infancy through adulthood, with an emphasis on the familial, community, and cultural systems at play in the lives of families impacted by ASD. Using a strengths-based lens, topics will include how ASD is presented in the public eye, ways of communicating diagnoses, navigating service networks, legal issues, and employment. As part of this course, students will engage with the ASD community, either through interactions with individuals, families, or community service providers. PREREQUISITE: CSHD1 or PSY 1, permission of instructor.
CSHD 0113 Media Literacy. (Cross-listed w/TCS 22 and FMS 55) Exploration of the theorists working in the field of New Media Literacy and examination of how the systems and institutions of mass media shape images; analysis and critique of the literature on media effects. Focus on utilizing media production as an application of course concepts. Assessment of core debates surrounding the value of bringing new media technologies and participatory culture practices into formal systems of education and discussion of why American public education has been so reluctant to embrace them.
CSHD 0120 Assessment of Children. Practicum seminar on applied comprehensive, developmental assessments of children. Testing procedures, clinical observations, interview techniques, and written reports. Topics such as learning disabilities, autism, ADHD, mental health and the impact of disabilities on education with case examples and practice assessments.
Prerequisite: graduate status or permission of instructor
CSHD 0121 Working w/Communities: Research-Practice Integration. (Cross-listed with CVS 142) Working in partnership with communities is a different approach than working in communities. Explores frameworks for socially just research and practice conducted in collaboration with ethnoculturally diverse communities and responsive to the community issues and needs identified by members of that particular community.
CSHD 0124 American Sign Language And The Deaf Community I. Introductory course in American Sign Language (ASL) with emphasis on comprehension of the visual language, ASL grammar, and building proficiency in communicating through signing. Develops conversational ability and culturally appropriate behaviors. Must register at CSHD using ASL Registration form. Because this is a High Demand course, students must complete the ASL Registration Form which will be reviewed. Students will be notified if they have been accepted in the course, otherwise, they will be put on a waitlist and notified if a slot opens.
CSHD 0125 American Sign Language II. Continuation of American Sign Language (ASL) I. Expands conversational strategies in ASL, rules of ASL grammar, fingerspelling, and builds a repertoire of ASL vocabulary. Also focuses on cultural behaviors of the Deaf and Deaf-Blind communities.
CSHD 0126 American Sign Language III. Continuation of American Sign Language (ASL) II. Focuses on the further development of conversation skills, the expansion of conversation strategies, grammar rules, fingerspelling, and the understanding of cultural behaviors of the Deaf and Deaf-Blind communities. Recommendations: CSHD 124 and CSHD 125 or equivalent.
CSHD 0130 Literacy in Action: Fostering Literacy in Emergent Readers. Focus on emergent literacy and the supports needed for fostering literacy in children living in circumstances making learning to read more difficult (English as a second language; limited access to books in the home, etc.). Fieldwork component fulfills the CSHD major’s fieldwork requirement.
CSHD 0140 Introductory Statistics for Developmental Science. (Cross-listed w/DLS 273) Foundational statistics concepts and procedures including measures of central tendency and dispersion, relationships between continuous and categorical variables, and hypothesis specification and testing. Use of computer programs for analysis, data interpretation, and reporting results. Prerequisites: Junior, senior, or graduate status or permission of instructor.
CSHD 0141 Independent Study. Individual study of an approved topic.
CSHD 0142 Research Methods and Design for Developmental. (Cross-listed w/DLS 261) Introduction to research design and field and laboratory methods relevant to research in developmental science. Topics may include designs for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research; measurement of behavior; reliability, validity, and generalizability of findings; and ethics. Analysis and evaluation of research studies and preparation of a literature review and a research proposal. Prerequisites: Senior or graduate status or permission of instructor.
CSHD 0143 Special Topics. Group seminar study of an approved topic that is not covered by a regular course in the department.
CSHD 0144 Qualitative And Ethnographic Methods In Applied Social Science Research. (Cross-listed w/DLS 262) An interdisciplinary overview of qualitative research methods. Focus on providing tools and strategies for practitioners and researchers in social sciences to pursue systematic inquiry in applied settings.
CSHD 0145 Technological Tools For Learning. (Cross-listed as ED 182.) Explores the design and use of new tools to think with, including "hands-on" technological tools (software) and "heads-in" theories and values to examine tools suitable for a wide variety of age levels, settings, and topic areas.
CSHD 0146 Intermediate Statistics for Developmental Science. (Cross-listed w/DLS 274) Preparing and evaluating data, conducting intermediate-level statistical procedures (e.g., analysis of variance, correlations, chi-square analyses), and interpretation and presentation of results. Use of computer software to conduct analyses on real data from developmental science studies. Prerequisite: CSHD 140 or equivalent introductory statistics course with a focus on social and behavioral sciences.
CSHD 0149 Evidence-Based Interventions with Children and Youth. Examines the science of evidence-based prevention and intervention, including theoretical underpinnings, implementation, assessment, transportability and generalizability to other populations. Covers interventions targeting problems such as such as poor parenting, developmental delays, conduct problems, bullying, substance abuse and others.
Recommendations: CSHD 191 and grad/senior status or permission of instructor.
CSHD 0150 Child Life and the Hospitalized Child (Online). Theory, research, and practice focusing on emotionally supporting hospitalized youth and their families . Interventions aimed at improving adjustment to chronic, acute, and life-threatening illnesses in pediatrics. Approaches include therapeutic play, expressive arts, behaviorism, medical education, and bereavement counseling. Prerequisites include: Child Development 1 and Junior, Senior, or Graduate standing.
CSHD 0151 Advanced Intellectual Development Of Young Children. Contemporary theory and research on the development of intellectual processes from infancy through adolescence. Compares cognitive-developmental theories and research to psychometric, information-processing, and other approaches. Topics include assessment procedures, theoretical interpretations, research results, and implications for applied work with children. Outside-of-class "metahobby" project required. For graduate students and seniors.
Recommendations: For graduate students and seniors.
CSHD 0153 Children's Television Project Research. In this course, students will work as researchers on the Children's Television Project (CTV), a longitudinal content analysis of children's cartoons. Research will include visual, behavioral, and linguistic coding of children's cartoons, as well as data cleaning, management, and analysis. Additionally, full-credit students (3 credits) will conduct original research on children's cartoons and learn some descriptive statistics. Half-credit students (2 credits) will code and contribute to a review of recent scholarship on children's media.
CSHD 0155 Development Of Language. (Cross-listed as LING 155). Human language is examined as a form of communication and compared with animal signal systems. Other topics are phonological, syntactic, and semantic development; language, culture, and thought; language and social class; and language and bilingualism.
CSHD 0156 Developmental Neuroscience & Disorders Of Development. This course will examine the interface of neuroscience and child development, with a focus on the neurophysiological basis of developmental disorders. A basic introduction to the brain and nervous system provides the backdrop for further exploration of neurophysiological development. Students will be introduced to the experimental methods used to study normal development and developmental disorders. Primary literature will be read to provide up-to-date understanding of the biology of major developmental disorders (including Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia).
CSHD 0157 Religious and Spiritual Development Across the Lifespan. (Cross-listed as REL 157 and CVS 173) Emphasis on differences in: paradigms and theories for explaining spiritual development; the diverse nature of spirituality; developmental tasks (e.g., moral, intellectual, and identity development) as they relate to spiritual development; and supports for and exemplars of spiritual development. Topics include spiritual exemplars, spirituality and the natural world, and spiritual pathology.
CSHD 0158 Gender Development: Deconstructing Gender Binary. Foundational frameworks about normative (and alternative) models of gender development, particularly gender euphoria, experiences, subjectivity, and identity. Emphasis on self-determination, socialization and learning processes, brain development, and cognitive capabilities. Discussion of labeling, attitudes, and attributions. Examines both essentialist and constructionist approaches, without attempting to determine which one “causes” gender identification. Prerequisites: CSHD 1; PSY 1, or graduate status.
CSHD 0159 Understanding Child Development Through Film. Using developmental, sociological, and anthropological perspectives, course examines selected issues in the lives of children and adolescents using film as a lens. Topics vary annually.
CSHD 0161 Advanced Personal-Social Development. This course deals with personality and social development from infancy through adolescence. Topics to be covered include continuity in development, attachment, sex-role development, empathy and friendship, social cognition, and moral development. A combination chronological/topical approach will be followed. CSHD 1 or PSY 1.
CSHD 0163 Infancy. A survey of current research and theories in the area of child development through the first two years. Students will have the opportunity to observe newborn and infant behavior. Topics covered include genetic inheritance; development of sensory and motor systems; perception; early learning; early social interaction; attachment, including normative and atypical development. Emphasis placed on experimental evidence and methods as well as application.
CSHD 0164 Cultural Diversity In Child And Family Services. (Cross-listed w/WGSS170)Review of theoretical and applied approaches for providing services to young children and families from culturally diverse backgrounds, particularly families who have recently immigrated from non-Western countries. Topics include early intervention, comprehensive assessment, health care, and school integration. Students have the opportunity to visit programs and acquire focused experience with infants, young children, and parents.
CSHD 0165 Family-School Connections in a Global Society. (Cross-listed as CVS 132 and ED 145) The complex relationships between family and school systems, with a focus on urban communities, family-school connections and the role of socio-cultural diversity in establishing effective partnerships between families and schools. Examination of relevant theories, empirical studies, and case studies regarding family-school partnerships in education and implications for school policies and practices.
CSHD 0166 Children's Play. The origins, types, effects and determinants of children’s play, including parent-infant play, peer play, play common to different age groups, and play used in educational and therapeutic settings. Topics include fantasy play, children’s humor, toys, organized sports, games, playgrounds, problems in playing, and more.
CSHD 0167 Children And Mass Media. (Cross-listed as FMS 52 and CVS 147). Why educators, broadcasters, advertisers, and politicians consider children a special audience of the mass media. Examination of children's media content (television, video, computers, film, and print) and the effects of media on children and adolescents. Regulations that govern children's media use, including V-chip, ratings systems, and Internet access. Student projects on media literacy and other topics.
CSHD 0168 Adolescent Development And The Transition To Adulthood. (Cross-listed w/ CHSD 68) The psychological, biological, and cognitive changes during the second decade of life, the challenges of adolescence, and the primary contexts that influence development during this period of the life course. Exploration of current theoretical and empirical knowledge about adolescence. Application of developmental research on adolescence to practice and policy.
CSHD 0169 Creating Children’s Media. (Cross-listed with FMS 58) Exploration of book-to-film transitions, creation of scripts for children’s television programs, development of storyboards for ad campaigns, and proposals for apps and other digital content for children. Application of child development, media literacy and civic engagement theories, and strategies in children’s media content. How to tell compelling stories for children across media platforms.
CSHD 0170 Seminar In Early And Elementary Education. Current topics in early and elementary education, corresponding to contemporary theories of child development and educational practice. Examination and analysis of the research basis for current practices in early education. Contemporary issues and controversies in the fields of early childhood and elementary education. Observations of classrooms in various early childhood education settings. Individual and small team projects; developing a personal philosophy statement.
CSHD 0171 Curricula For Young Children. Curriculum design and implementation for the preschool, kindergarten, and lower-elementary-school-age child. Focus on interface between theories of teaching and learning, authentic assessment strategies, and project-based curricula as means of responding effectively to the needs and potentials of diverse populations of young children. Utilization and development of materials, documentation processes, and technology in the Curriculum Resource Laboratory.
CSHD 0174 Designing Educational And Therapeutic Environments. Examines ways in which individuals are affected by the environments they inhabit. Fosters awareness of physical space as a critical variable in development and therapy. Imparts skills for planning for children, including homes, day care centers, schools, hospitals, playgrounds, special needs, and therapeutic programs. Special attention is given to the impact of the environment on stress and well-being. Intended for professionals with educational or clinical objectives.
CSHD 0175 Introduction to Art Therapy. Introduction to Art Therapy provides an overview of the history, theory and practice of art therapy through an intersectional perspective. One focus of the class is to understand the integration of the creative process and therapeutic process. We will explore the complexity of human life and behavior within a historical and cultural context. We will look at case studies of diverse populations and engage in doing art with the purpose of looking in depth at the process of how tools, media, and expression impact healing, resilience, self-awareness, identity, social justice and treatment. Students will familiarize themselves with the use of drawing materials, papers, paints, collage materials, assemblages, 3D materials, fibers, carving and casting and their applications to specific clinical and community settings. Students will also study the dimensions of form, shape, color and texture of various materials that stimulate, structure and organize artistic expression. Students are encouraged to integrate their own practice, exploration and experience with the assigned readings, classroom discussions and hands-on component of the class.
CSHD 0176 Children's Literature. Analysis of literature for children from preschool age to early teens from developmental-learning and literary perspectives. Final project: story or book for children, or critique/analysis of some genre or issue of children's literature.
CSHD 0177 Bilingual Studies U.S. (Cross-listed as LING 177). Relationship of culture and language, including macro-level focus on issues related to linguistic and cultural integration of immigrant children and families, such as language and ethnic identity, language and nationalism. Topics will also include theoretical perspectives on second-language learning, bilingualism, and bilingual education. These topics will be examined using case studies from multilingual nations.
CSHD 0178 Creative Dance for Children. (Cross-listed with DNC 89 and DNC 189) Experiential class offering students expanded understanding of the body/mind connection and its creative potential in education. Classroom activities provide skills and strategies for teaching of dance in pre-K through grade 12 settings, with an emphasis on creating age-appropriate lesson models. Includes classroom observation of Pre-K through 2nd grade lessons and guest sessions with dance therapists and educators in the Boston area.
CSHD 0179 Child Art. The nature and developmental implications of the art of the young child, with emphasis on the ways in which cognitive and expressive factors influence the artistic process. Consideration of appropriate materials and activities for preschool and elementary-school-age children. Studio work is an integral part of the course.
CSHD 0180 Developing Leaders in a Civic Context. (Cross-listed w/ CVS 170) Integrates and applies concepts from adult development and learning, leader(ship) development, and organizational behavior to build capacity for social change. Creating effective strategies to develop individuals, teams, and organizations to address complex challenges.
CSHD 0183 Youth Activism, Civic Identity & Moral Development. Explores critical questions about civic engagement and pressing moral issues facing us today, like raising children to be engaged moral citizens. Analysis of significant moral issues within historical and contemporary political and social contexts. Historical exploration of racism in the US, spanning from Reconstruction to contemporary civil rights movements. Consideration of the role of youth activism in the context of civic identity and moral development. Theoretical framework derived from literature on moral and civic identity development, and anti-racist materials.
CSHD 0182 Social Policy For Children And Families. (Cross-listed w/ UEP 282) Intersection of child development and social policy. Case studies of processes through which social problems are defined, policies formulated and implemented. Models for analyzing existing and proposed policies and for interpreting program evaluation results. Topics may include child abuse and neglect, family leave, maternal and child public-health policy, child care, early-childhood education. Special attention to policies affecting disadvantaged and minority populations. Upper level of dual-level course with expanded readings and more advanced assignments.
Recommendations: CSHD 1 or PSY 1.
CSHD 0185 Promoting Positive Youth Development: Applying Developmental Science In The Community. (Cross-listed w/ CVS 155) Introduction to theory and research about using developmental science within community settings to promote positive development among children and adolescents. Focal topic varies each semester -- for example, building civil society through community-based child development programs, promoting positive development of teenage mothers and their infants, or promoting healthy alternatives to interpersonal, family and community violence. Recommendations: CSHD 1 and one additional Child Study & Human Development course or permission of instructor.
CSHD 0186 Homelessness In America. (Cross-listed as UEP 181) Multi-disciplinary course examining the social, economic, and political dimensions of homelessness in the United States. Overview of causes, historical responses, and current conditions. Analysis of housing and welfare policies, mental health and substance abuse issues, economic and employment concerns. Volunteer work at shelters and organizations addressing homelessness required.
CSHD 0187 Child Mental Health in Educational Spaces In America. Introduction to a range of child mental health topics with an emphasis on the educational setting. How diverse child developmental trajectories impact access to resources and learning, and how multi-system context impacts child psychology.
CSHD 0188 Seminar In Government Policy And The Family. (Cross-listed as UEP 188.) Examines government's role in promoting family development and well-being. Analysis of policies with implications for children and families. Case material from the United States and other countries. Topics will vary but may include parental leave, child protection, child care, health care, family support, and immigration.
Recommendations: CSHD 182 or permission of instructor
CSHD 0189 Human-Animal Interaction in Childhood and Adolescence. Interdisciplinary course exploring mutually beneficial human-animal relationships: the role of animals in promoting positive development in childhood, adolescence and across the life-span, animal-assisted therapy, the role of animals in mental and physical health, animals in the family setting, animal policy and welfare, and animals in educational and programmatic contexts.
CSHD 0190 Disability and Difference in Children. (Cross-listed as CH 121) Overview of some of the special needs of preschool and elementary-age children who show a variation in physical, sensory, emotional, cognitive, and social development, through the lens of a positive model of identity. Focus on educational implications, family support, and adaptations to promote inclusive environments. Class lectures, observations of children, media portrayals, hands-on adaptations of materials, and visiting speakers.
CSHD 0191 Developmental Psychopathology And Adaptation. Survey of approaches to understanding and helping children and adolescents with emotional, cognitive, and behavioral problems. Intensive consideration of conceptual frameworks and perspectives that describe and explain problems in childhood and adolescence. Understanding problems in the contexts of age groups and important settings. A holistic and developmental-contextual understanding of children's problems.
Recommendations: CSHD 1 or PSY 1.
CSHD 0192 Approaches to ‘Problem Behaviors’ in Childhood. (Cross-listed as ED 143) Approaches that empower parents, teachers, and clinicians to manage and prevent children's challenging behaviors in ways that are sensitive to individual differences based on age, ethnicity, culture, and ability/disability.
CSHD 0193 Pediatric Psychology. Research, clinical practice, and public policy focusing on children's health. Application of child development theories, methodologies, and empirical database to problems in health care. Focus is biopsychosocial and multidisciplinary, aiming at comparison and integration of perspectives of researchers, clinicians, advocates, and policymakers. Topics chosen from psychosocial stress and illness; adaptation to chronic illness including diabetes, childhood cancer and pediatric AIDS; mental health in primary care; behavioral and developmental pediatrics; schools as health-care delivery agents; prevention and health promotion; adolescent pregnancy.
CSHD 0195 Developmental Disorders In Language And Reading. (Cross-listed as LING 195). Principal foci for this course are aphasia, autism, deafness, and the dyslexias. Research and clinical studies of these disorders will be considered in weekly seminar meetings. Each student will have fieldwork experiences in appropriate clinical or educational settings. Recommendations: CSHD 1 or permission of instructor.
CSHD 0196 Contemporary Families in the 21st Century. Introductory framework for analyzing family lives. Overview of changing family patterns, changing attitudes toward ‘non-traditional families,’ and parenting aspirations among diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. A wide variety of family configurations in Western and semi-Western contexts with an intersectional focus, including foster and adoptive parents, families headed by lesbian mothers, families created via assisted reproductive technologies (in vitro fertilization, donor conception, and surrogacy), single mother and gay-parented families, and families headed by bisexual, polyamorous, transgender, and LGBTQ+ immigrant parents. Reflection on the methodological difficulties posed by research on non-traditional families.
Prerequisites: CSHD 0001; PSY 0001, or graduate status.
CSHD 0197 Learning & Attentional Difficulties: Assessment & Teaching. Overview of learning disorders and attention-deficit disorders in the context of child development and education. Emphasis on the strong links among cognitive development, self-esteem, and learning styles across the age span, and the importance of identifying learning disorders during preschool years. Impact of processing deficits on academic performance in reading, written language, and mathematics.
Recommendations: CSHD 1.
CSHD 0198 Senior Honors Thesis A. Senior Honors Thesis. This is a yearlong course. Each semester counts as 4 credits towards a student’s credit load. Students will earn 8 credits at the end of the second semester.
CSHD 0198 Senior Honors Thesis B. Senior Honors Thesis. This is a yearlong course. Each semester counts as 4 credits towards a student’s credit load. Students will earn 8 credits at the end of the second semester.
CSHD 0199 Community Field Placement. (Cross-listed with CVS 188) Graduate equivalent of CSHD 99. Work and study in a variety of programs serving children and families. Placements include child advocacy programs, museums, hospitals, children's media, social service centers, and government agencies. Placements are supervised in a seminar or in consultation.
Graduate Courses
CSHD 0201 Doctoral Pro Seminar A. Professional development seminar for doctoral students. Discussion of doctoral program and presentation of individual reports on basic topics to a seminar group for discussion and criticism.
CSHD 0201 Doctoral Pro Seminar B. Professional development seminar for doctoral students. Discussion of doctoral program and presentation of individual reports on basic topics to a seminar group for discussion and criticism.
CSHD 0202 Master’s Pro Seminar. Why should I pursue a master's degree, and why should I pursue it at Eliot-Pearson? This course answers these two questions. The course orients incoming masters' students to the fields of applied child development and developmental science, and acquaints them with the philosophy and practical approach of the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development. During the seminar, students determine a course of study, decide to pursue either the applied track or thesis track, and determine whether to pursue a concentration.
CSHD 0203 Graduate Internship Seminar A. This bi-weekly seminar is designed for MA-Applied students and is taken in fall and spring of the second year. It is a forum for the hallmark of Eliot-Pearson: the integration of theory, research, and applied work. Seminar discussions will center on the diverse experiences of interns and related issues in the field. This seminar provides opportunity for critical reflective practice and the fostering of professional skills/development.
CSHD 0203 Graduate Internship Seminar B. This bi-weekly seminar is designed for MA-Applied students and is taken in fall and spring of the second year. It is a forum for the hallmark of Eliot-Pearson: the integration of theory, research, and applied work. Seminar discussions will center on the diverse experiences of interns and related issues in the field. This seminar provides opportunity for critical reflective practice and the fostering of professional skills/development.
CSHD 0211 Theories of Human Development. Understanding the contemporary state of scholarship in generating and applying knowledge about child development. Core dimensions of the knowledge in distinct domains of child development (socio-emotional, cognitive, linguistic, physiological) as they have been studied over the history of the field; interpretation of the knowledge from multiple, and sometimes competing, theoretical perspectives.
CSHD 0234 Children, Nature, and the Development of Earth Stewards. (Cross-listed as ENV 34, CVS 32, and CSHD 34) Understanding how children and youth develop as earth stewards in the 21st century in the context of environmental breakdown, environmental injustice, and widespread disconnection from nature. Focus is on frameworks, methods, and programs for fostering ecological literacy and earth stewardship among children and youth.
CSHD 0236 Doctoral Internship. Supervised field placement for doctoral students in one of the applied child development fields.
CSHD 0236 Doctoral Internship. Supervised field placement for doctoral students in one of the applied child development fields.
CSHD 0238 Teaching Internship. A teaching internship on the preschool to elementary levels for a minimum of 400 hours, accompanied by a series of workshops and seminars. The course is intended for those seeking to meet the requirements for standard certification and others seeking professional development. Teaching interns are required to develop a portfolio documenting various facets of their teaching experience.
Recommendations: Provisional certification and permission of instructor.
CSHD 0240 Directed Research. Supervised research on an approved topic in applied child development.
CSHD 0241 Directed Research. Supervised research on an approved topic in applied child development.
CSHD 0243 Special Topics. Guided individual study of an approved topic.
CSHD 0244 Special Topics. Guided individual study of an approved topic.
CSHD 0245 Thesis. Guided research on a topic that has been approved as a suitable subject for a master's thesis.
CSHD 0246 Thesis. Guided research on a topic that has been approved as a suitable subject for a master's thesis.
CSHD 0247 Program Evaluation. (Cross-listed as UEP 256 and DLS 265) Purposes for and types and techniques of program evaluation. Study of the evaluation process, including design, implementation, and dissemination, with focus on development of relevant data collection, analysis, and report-writing skills. Emphasis on learning to match programs to evaluation models, optimizing eventual evaluation utilization. Students design evaluations for existing program.
CSHD 0248 Applied Developmental Science: Theoretical Foundations. Philosophical, historical, and past and current theoretical foundations of applied developmental science. Topics include life-span human development; action theory; life-course sociology; bioecological human development; developmental systems theories, applications to children, youth, families, and communities and to American higher education, and civil society.
Recommendations: Prior course work in developmental theory and permission of instructor.
CSHD 0249 Applied Regression Analysis for Developmental Science. (Cross-listed w/DLS 276). Students will be introduced to multivariate statistics, with a special emphasis on methods for studying change and effects of context. Topics will include general linear hypothesis testing, logistic regression, multilevel models, cluster analysis, principal component analysis, exploratory data analysis and structural equation modeling. The focus of the course will be on using the computer to analyze real data by using the statistical techniques introduced through lectures, interpreting the results and writing about the findings. Students should have a good background in multiple regression analysis, including the use and interpretation of dummy variables and interactions. Prerequisite: Graduate students only. 2 semesters of statistics and data analysis methods.
CSHD 0252 Structural Equation Modeling in Developmental Science. (Cross-listed w/DLS 277) This course will provide an introduction to the theory and application of structural equation modeling (SEM) as it applies to developmental science. The course assumes that you have already completed courses in regression and multivariate statistics. The goal of this course is to have students be able to construct, analyze, modify, and test the adequacy of a variety of structural equation models and report the results of their analyses in a manner acceptable in refereed journals.
CSHD 0254 Multilevel Modeling in Developmental Science. This course is an introduction to the theory and application of multi-level modeling (MLM), with a focus on applications in developmental science. The goal is for students to be able to construct, analyze, modify, and test the adequacy of a variety of MLMs and report this process in a manner acceptable in refereed journals.
The emphasis is more applied than technical, and students will get guided experience in estimating and interpreting analyses of real data sets, including an independent project with data chosen by the student. Students will also practice reviewing the analyses presented by their peers in the class and by academic colleagues in referred journals.
CSHD 0261 Seminar In Personal-social Development. Seminar format for in-depth exploration of various topics in social and personality development. Topics may include development of the self, attachment, and emotional development. Prerequisite: graduate status. Typically, a single topic will be covered during the semester.
CSHD 0262 Cultural Sensitivity In Child And Family Research/practice. (Cross-listed as DLS 237) This course will facilitate student appreciation of the significance of knowledge about one's own cultural background, identity and related experiences as critical influences on the study of and interactions with others. Centered on children and families, there are two foci: 1) cultural sensitivity in research, and 2) cultural sensitivity in practice. The focus on research examines culture as a contextual influence on human development and briefly addresses issues in conducting culturally sensitive research, including theory, methodology, analyses and interpretation. With various media, primarily audio-visual, the focus on practice will examine specific cultural constructs (e.g., race, ethnicity, religiosity) and their impact on interpersonal interactions. Do not register for CD 262 if you have taken CD 164.
CSHD 0267 Seminar In Children And Mass Media. (Cross-listed with FMS 164) Children have long been considered a "special" audience by broadcasters, advertisers, politicians, educators and researchers. This course will introduce you to the logic behind this designation, through a careful and critical examination of the theory and research on children's mass media use, and the influence of media on children. We will explore the relationship between media use and developmental issues, discuss patterns of children's media consumption, and look at both the content and context of children's media, including television, films/videos, advertising, games and websites. We will examine the empirical evidence that has attempted to assess the media's effects on children in a variety of areas, including gender and ethnic stereotyping, explicitly sexual and violent content in both entertainment and news, and also the educational or "pro-social" effects of media. We'll talk about the wall-to-wall advertising to which children are exposed, and look at the claims that advertising and media use have led to an increase in childhood obesity. And we will discuss the technologically saturated world of iPods, iPads, e-books, cell phones and computers that enable communication and social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, to see what kinds of effects these technologies might be having on children at different developmental points. We will also critically assess the various regulations that have governed both advertising and programming for children in this country, talk about contemporary regulatory issues and how changes in media ownership rules might affect children's media content. We'll also discuss how technology such as TiVo, the television ratings system, voluntary Internet ratings system and access to the Internet affect children, pay some attention to the hot issue of cyberbullying, and will discuss the roles that parent and citizen activist groups play as watchdogs of children's media and the ways in which they can - and do - apply political pressure that results in change. For each topic we cover, we'll be looking both at the theoretical issues that undergird them, and also at the empirical ones that have attempted to assess, test or analyze them. The centerpiece of the class, however, will be your own work. You will have an opportunity to develop a proposal for a significant piece of research in an area of children and media that most interests you. It's my hope that this is research that you will subsequently carry out and ultimately publish, either as part of your MA or PhD program, or as a piece of applied research.
CSHD 0281 Consultation Strategies. (Cross-listed w/DLS 245) This course examines consultation theory and practice. Through readings, classroom experiences, and a change project, students will increase their understanding of various consultation activities. The course contributes to the professional development of individuals in their present and future roles, including teacher, special educator, child development specialist, counselor, policy maker, or administrator. Such roles involve consultative relationships with parents, colleagues, other professionals, and members of the community. Both the consumer and the provider perspectives will be considered, aiming toward more effective functioning by both clients and consultants.
Recommendations: "Permission of instructor.
CSHD 0285 Advanced Research Methods In Applied Developmental Science. Methods for identifying measuring developmental change. Topics include multivariate versus univariate conceptions and analyses of change; developmentally-sensitive, descriptive, and explanatory research designs; classical versus developmental test theory; measurement equivalence across person and context; external and internal validity; convergent and divergent validation; triangulation within and across both quantitative and qualitative methods; and ethics and professional development.
Recommendations: Prior graduate courses in statistics and research design and instructor permission.
CSHD 0295 Masters Thesis. No description at this time.
CSHD 0297 Doctoral Dissertation. Supervised research on a topic approved for the dissertation.
CSHD 0298 Doctoral Dissertation. Supervised research on a topic approved for the dissertation.
CSHD 0401 Masters Degree Continuation. Part-time. No description at this time.
CSHD 0402 Masters Degree Continuation. Full-time. No description at this time.
CSHD 0405 Grad Teaching Assistant. No description at this time.
CSHD 0405 Grad Teaching Assistant. No description at this time.
CSHD 0501 Doctoral Degree Continuation. Part-time. No description at this time.
CSHD 0502 Doctoral Degree Continuation. Full-time. No description at this time.