Martha Pott

Martha Pott

(617) 627-5020
105 College Avenue
Research/Areas of Interest:

Personal and social development; biological & evolutionary roots of human development

Biological and evolutionary substrates of human development; the role of eye-contact in social development.


  • PhD, Cross-cultural developmental psychology; personal and social development; parent-child relationships, Tufts University, United States, 1993
  • MS, Perception and learning, Dominican College, United States, 1976
  • BS, Cross-cultural psychology and sociology; anthropology; social welfare, University of California, Berkeley, United States, 1970


Martha Pott teaches courses in evolutionary perspectives on human development; incarceration and how the carceral system affects children, youth, and families; personal and social development; and observation methods of assessment. She has conducted cross-cultural research in parent-child relationships, the social implications of eye contact, and the development of close relationships.