
Tufts News

Parenting in a Post-Pandemic World

An assistant professor in the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development offers some tips on how to help children reacclimate to social settings, academic rigor, and a mask-optional world
Activities list for Scratch Jr 2

ScratchJr Activities – Part 2

The DevTech Research Group at Tufts University has compiled several educational activities and resources that will keep children busy and engaged with ScratchJr, which can be accessed via iPad or Android tablet.
Activities list for Scratch Jr 1

ScratchJr Activities – Part 1

The DevTech Research Group at Tufts University has compiled several educational activities and resources that will keep children busy and engaged with ScratchJr, which can be accessed via iPad or Android tablet.
Home with a snowy front lawn

Eliot-Pearson Students Implement Mentorship Program

To attempt to make the transition to graduate school more seamless, a pair of master's students are implementing a new mentorship program that pairs first-year master's and Ph.D. students with a more experienced student mentor.
Children and teachers sitting around a table

Kindergarten Philosophers

Learning about philosophy at the Eliot-Pearson Children's School isn't new - this is the third year in a row that Russinoff's students have brought their lessons to the K-1 class.